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Edited by Killlerschaf: 12/19/2015 2:40:41 AM

Current state of the Crucible is absolutely ridiculous (The one about the lag).

I have no idea how many things have gone wrong with this patch, but the lag in the Crucible is worse than ever before. Iron Banner can be described as lag free, in comparison. The matchmaking seems to be fundamentally broken, as every lobby I am in either has at least 3 red bars, 6 yellow bars or everyone is yellow bar. Shots take forever to register, melee charges are getting consumed, yet no damage is being dealt. Bullets simply disappear (some call them phantom bullets). I am getting sniped, yet no lense flare shows up (or the last 40 people are apparently the best quickscopers in Destiny). People do not appear on the Radar, even though they aren't invisible. Getting killed through walls is also a new favourite pastime of mine. PvP is currently pretty broken, in terms of connection quality. Edit: Thanks for all the replies, up votes and agreement. It's very reassuring when a lot of people experience similar things. Something went horribly wrong with this patch, concerning the connection quality and hit detection of melee attacks.

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  • This has been the case for me since TTK dropped, other than iron banner I refuse to play PvP, some games I have amazing bullet reg (almost too much) and other games nothing registers and I often get killed through walls. I'd rather not play if whether I win or not comes down to whether the server is on my side or not, never played a game as bad.

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  • I rarely ever encounter lag in crucible when I decide to play it.. If there is lag it's typically just one person. I have a great connection, and idk if I'm just lucky or whatever, but I feel like people exaggerate the fk out of things in this game to the point where it's not credible.

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    • I agree. Year 1 I hardly had any connection issues in trials aswel, now it's pretty common. Same examples too. I understand they screwed up. And bungie knows it. Saddens me to say that if they don't massively improve connection WITH dedicated servers, it will be the #1 reason I might not buy destiny 2. This is coming from a very dedicated player, who saw a great deal of promise and potential n this game. It was a great year, but i'm not convinced destiny can have that unique experience it once had for me again.

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    • The lag is so bad, I'm struggling to make headshots with my sniper rifle. I'll aim it on a head, fire and then the person is gone and feet away.

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    • They're using the same servers to host SRL as the rest of PvP.

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    • No ones holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play PvP...

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      2 Replies
      • When everyone has great internet connections. It's not Bungies fault, it's people with sub par connections in your matches.

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        5 Replies
        • I play on 360 and rarely ever encounter this. Only on very particular matches. Rarely ever noticeable lag

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        • Yep the lag is real. I was playing aon black sheild, where I was in the room at the centre of the map, near upper heavy. I was hardscoping the doorway towards C flag as two guys strafe past it. I shoot one of them in the head, he doesn't take any damage and walks into the corner opposite the special ammo outside the door. I quickly follow up another head shot on the guy next to him and again no damage. He then walks into the same corner putting him completely out of my sight, I then die from him, from a headshot while he was behind the wall reloading. Green bars are a lie...

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          3 Replies
          • So great when someone with a red bar becomes immortal. I do not understand why a penalty hasn't been put in for red bars.

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          • Deticated servers

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            • I agree I keep getting shot threw walls it's really annoying It would help if there was killcams

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            • Dedicated servers would solve all of these problems *hint hint Bungie* Peer-to-peer gaming isn't going to work until we all have solid fiber optic internet connections.

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            • I just played the daily Clash to get my 15 legendary marks since the daily -blam!-ed me and Destiny PVP is AIDS right now. Trying to get in an actual gunfight is a rare occurrence and when you do the one with the shit connection usually wins. If Bungie isn't going to fix their game then they should take it the -blam!- offline.

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            • Get better internet.

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              • Edited by OOODragonessOOO: 12/19/2015 1:10:51 AM
                yeah ,not appearing in radar is an issue that frustrates me.

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              • Being to one with the red bar, it doesn't only suck on your side... It is horrible to play as a red bar

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                • Bump

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                • Been encountering this too but the thing is that it only happens when I'm using the Warlock and using any subclass mainly Stormcaller. Using my Stormtrance super, it gives me the bird error code and mostly baboon error code. It's ridiculous, I can't play Warlock Dx

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                • With skill-based matchmaking now taking priority over connection speed, I'm sure there'll be a bit of a rise in lag.

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                • They are to cheap to install some dedicated servers; it will not solve everything but would improve the experience a little; then matchmaking per regions ( Europe, NorthA, etc ); again it will not solve everything, but a little bit from here as well; then fire the damn team responsible for netcode and hire the team who made Titanfall ( and previously MW2 :)) -that was as good as it gets for online experience..

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                  • PvP has been like this forever m8... It's just really bad right now because a lot of the casuals are sparrow racing and in general not many people are playing destiny right now. This game has the least amount of players online since launch. Less people = More lag

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                  • Bump

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                  • It's always been a farce now it sounds like it's just completely broken.

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                  • With douchey clans like this I'm chilling at airport waiting on a flight home for the holidays and in watching twitch. I dial up truevanguard and he's in a sweaty. In a tight game both teams wave off heavy. Then a memeber of the clan he was playing against [Terrified] picked up the heavy to win the game. So if you are ever playing them just back out cause they cheat.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Agreed

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