I opened my eyes. I felt the familiar breeze of the tower. With my memory just a week old with few flashed of my past, I decided to pretend I had no idea who I was before, even though I started to figure out some pieces of it.
The thing that was hardest about my rehabilitation to life was that I had a lot of things intact:language, science, even some history:but no names. Nothing personal. I found out I had a care free demeanor and was very comedic about things. Ironic that I would be like this in a place like this....
I was assigned by the vanguard to take down a ketch leader named quariks. He was a rising archon of the exile and was a rising threat. By this time I had already been briefed and trained about the enemies of the tower:recent news was exciting as we triumphed against a hive deity and made more amends with the reef. The first thing that popped into my head was to find some friends:this world was scary enough, it should be lonesome as well. Perhaps the fire team I was helping take quariks down would help me out.
I docked down in the ocean of storms on a far side of a hive temple under a ketch of green paint with blood dripping near the fallen lift equipment. My two friends should be here anytime now.
Finally! I saw them coming from the distance together, holding their own rifles. One was a tall and average sized individual, somewhere between lean and stocky. Their pulse rifle gleamed with an omolon frame. The other, a lean and semi tall Hunter, was closer up holding a hand cannon in their left hand.
"50." The taller one, now obviously a male, blurted out once they got in talking distance.
"Excuse me?" I asked. He already gave me a bad impression.
"That's your value based off your shitty gun and non existent armor. 50 glimmer"
I quickly felt a sudden Impulse-perhaps rage- and felt festered. I quickly grabbed out at the man and got hold of his shoulder. With my arm I jerked his body left by pulling right, and let go quickly following with a punch. I kicked him in the chest which got the man to sit on the ground. All of this happened quickly, this robot body reacting faster than I could ever. The man, now clearly looking like a hunter as well, didn't have enough time to react. I pulled out my Daito Hand cannon and shot him.
"Guardian down!"
As he was resurrected, I heard a small laugh from the other Hunter. It was a girl, And we chatted a bit while the other hunters ghost was figuring out stuff. Killing and death were very different things in this world:you could be brought back in many ways, so it was more of a fight and less of a murder. It turned out she came by herself as well.
"Okay, you proved your worth. But do something like that again and this strike is gonna turn into a rumble."
I just fake smiles and started walking. Just because I lost my memory didn't mean my personality was erased I guess.
I emerged the lift and was sucked up. It was time to give quariks a visit.
Awsome, yet again! [spoiler]When's the next one?[/spoiler]