Last night I was lucky enough to join FiZzoR for some trials on his steam when this happened. At first I thought that I just traded with the other guy, then I saw the feed "BRUTALBREAKD0WN IS DOWN"... Did I snipe myself? How on earth did that even happen?
I'm not exactly sure what killed me, does anyone have any ideas?
A lot of people think that we just traded. There are two reasons why I don't think this is the case. Firstly, it doesn't give him the kill, it just said "BRUTALBREAKD0WN IS DOWN". Secondly, he was using the 1000 yard stare that everyone gets from the taken war quest which comes with firefly. If he killed me it would have had to have been with a headshot, which would have caused firefly to proc.
My current theory (although it still probably isn't completely correct) is that sniper bullets have more than one active frame in which they can deal damage. This explains why a ton of collateral sometimes just don't look right. Maybe lag extends this period or something. Either way I think that I sniped him, then strafed behind cover whilst the bullet still had active damage frames, during this time the bullet ricocheted off the box thing in front of me causing me to snipe myself. It's not a solid theory but so far it's the best thing that I can think off other than "I just died for no reason when I fired my gun"
- the brand new ish salt shelter.
Hahaha wtf
Same thing happened to me but with a shotgun
That's what you get for using 1K yard stare and TLW scrub.
you got out BR'd lol
Someone else posted a video of sniping themselves on the same map earlier today
Guess you could say you got a collat
The enemy killed you. Their bullet hit after yours killed them. It's a glitch going on.
So you got a double kill in one shot one yourself keewl
Sniper doesn't discriminate. It doesn't care who you are it will still kill you
Looks like u shot the barrel or whatever it is in front of you and I ricochet
Skip rounds. 1k stare in drifter will kill you
You can do it with skip rounds but that's all I know
Monster Hunter - old
Skip rounds? It's possible -
Omg you skip rounded yourself lol
Skip rounds?
That's a fine shot , congrats .
Omg. I don't care what happened. That shit is hilarious. Actually, probably lag because it prompted a killed by X notification on a 1 shot kill. Lag plus hitscan leads to crazy things.
You used ricochet rounds... LOL. GG tho' it's happened to me before.
I've killed myself before. I had skip rounds and I shot inside my bubble and killed myself. It's happened multiple times. But I'm pretty sure this is just a glitch, you can see the bullet come from the guy you killed but it didn't see to register it was an enemy bullet so it was just a misadventure.
I think you got hit by debree
Did you have on skip rounds?
No you traded, it's just a stupid glitch. It happened to me a couple times during trials.