originally posted in:Neo Punks
"You knew him? Who are you anyways?"
[i]I saying stepping out of my gate and waking over to theirs[/i]
"Well, I'm JT. He likely mentioned a guy with a car door, no? Maybe the guy that tore his own arm off? That's me"
"Oh yeah, now the cowboy get up makes sense."
"Why, because I'm insane?" [b]He asks, chuckling. [/b]"I take it your dad never mentioned some of the more insane stuff I've done"
"No he has, I just didn't know who you were at first, now everything makes sense."
"Okay then. I take it daddy dearest put you in the boarding school?"
"Alright" [b]He says, walking back to Natalie and alex[/b]
[i]"hm, mind as we'll hang out with them." I think I myself and follow JT[/i] "So how's the NWH doing?" [i]I ask in a lower tone.[/i]
"Goddamn excellent" [b]He says happily[/b]
"Well that's good, how's the progression of troops?" [i]I say leaning back on the gate.[/i]
"150,000 soldiers, highly trained, VERY well equipped. I'm talking tanks man, fūcking tanks, guns, and all the ammo you could ever need"
"Wow, that's a lot of firepower, as well as with the help of lance and Etana."
"Yeah. Etana with a sniper, maybe some hacking device, and Lance with a sword. You really want to Fūck things up though? Give your dad an EMP and a flying ship."
"Yeah I heard about my dad taking down the whalehawk, awesome story." [i]I say with a chuckle.[/i]
"He tell you how he escaped?" [b]He says, laughing slightly[/b]
"You save him, he told me you were always backup and or extraction."
"Yeah, I was usually providing suppressive fire or distractions, and had some helicopters on standby. That mother-blam!-er jumped out of the burning cockpit of an airship and landed in the helicopter with me and 12 others, he's s badass"
"Heh I know, he was also crazy. Just like lance and you." [i]I chuckle.[/i]
"Fūck man, you haven't seen crazy until you've seen Lance fight"
Edited by EvoTymes: 12/13/2015 2:27:44 AM"Nobody has ever seen my dad's bad side or angry side. Nobody."
"Damn, he ever mention the wolves? That wasn't his angry side?!"
"Yeah, he mentioned the wolves and that want anywhere near his angry side."
"Shit man, I wonder how he is when angered. Probably able to beat Lance, and even he knows Lance is near impossible to beat"
"They are both nearly impossible to beat, if they were to get into a fight they wouldn't go all out because they are practically brothers."
"I mean if they had to fight to the death. And, uh, what would my chances of beating your dad in hand to hand combat be?" ((Martial artist))