Book fixed in 24 hours, yet thorn took 8 months to fix, bungie cares about $ not players- 30 DOLLARS FOR LEVEL UPS ON PSN STORE LOL
Amazing how fast they put out a patch late at night to fix their wallet yet still screw over thousands of players with broken game mechanics. Hell, since TTK released the raid has had multiple bugs yet they go unfixed. Bungie in danger of losing some 10 dollar sales on their TWO MAP, ONE MODE "FREE EVENT"? patch overnight.
If you still support them after this you're nothing but a silver sucking desticle.
EDIT: let's see you defend bungie now, children. Cosmetics only, right guys? Paying for free dlc, right guys? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Shout out to people who waited months to get all 50 fragments and only got a timegated shader LOL
People saying "b-b-but the money is needed to fund Bungie"
They got 25 million to pay for a $60 game totalling too $900 million when the games entire budget was $500 million over 10 years. Sony continuously pays Bungie for exclusive missions, weapons, armour, and advertising. Bungie has announced that the microtransactions were a great success.
Let's see what that gets us
-No dedicated servers
-updates can take anywhere from 3 months to 8 months
-lots of bugs, glitches, and issues in each iteration of the game are never fixed. Merely being ignored until the next DLC or expansion replaces the old content and then the cycle continues
-Playerbase is continuously ignored
-Balance seems like a dream (0.7% change in auto rifle damage, 0.04% for High ROF auto rifles which is likely the worst type of weapon in game)
-Bungie never admits fault
-dismal content in expansion made worse by removal of old content
-Timegated exotics as opposed to the epic quests we hoped for (community was looking for Sleeper and as their theories got more and more complex Bungie released the Sleeper without saying a word, they could have ended the chase anytime they wanted, but they didn't)
-events with some pretty lame quests and few added activities, (SRL adds 1 mode, 2 maps for a month (which mostly reuses past assets), and is not very well thought out)
-"free" events just an excuse to push more microtransactions with the best and permanent stuff being locked behind a paywall (book costs $10 1/4 of what the TTK costs)
-2 community managers who most of the time are doing nothing while people are trying to get bugs, and balance issues recognised by them.
-"challenge" mode not living up to the hype of challenge or even bringing in extra content like expected (Bungie said that the raid was created and then cut back for normal which implies that normal was missing content, people began expecting parts of the raid never seen before in future updates of hard, then challenge, especially when people found extra areas outside of the map)
-Raid drops "smart" loot system not working for months on end finally gets a message in feedback saying "we'll fix it one day, we just need to collect some data or something-excuse-excuse"
-multiple exotics are useless, and Bungie has shown no indication of fixing this
-but you get 1 racing mode and 2 maps that get boring after 4 races
I mean almost every other company can do more with less then what Bungie has. 343 is making free DLC for H5 every month, and they don't add any microtransactions in fact everything you can get with microtransactions you can earn through normal play. Bethesda is getting flak for being lazy with their bug fixes, but they are still doing way more then Bungie while they have a much larger and diverse game, and they are charging $30 for a season pass. Super smash brothers brawl receives more balance and bug fixes then Destiny does while Nintendo has the Wii U floundering at the bottom of console sales.
Destiny may not be dead, it may never die thanks to its truly dedicated fans, but if this continues it will become dead to me and many others. Only Destiny 2 has a chance to restore my hope as it seems that Bungie is pooling all its resources into it (the only possible theory as to why Destiny 1 is having such a poor time)
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