You need somebody dead, and quick. Who do you hire?
Edit: Runner up would be Ezio or Altair.
Boba fett is on another planet, predator is on another planet, deathstroke is on earth. the fastest way to kill someone is to hire the person who's already here.
Predator. Even if he fails, he still space-jihad bombs the whole area to make sure. Real dedication
deadshot of course, (even though he isn't on the list) he can take out the target from a distance. [url][/url] [url][/url]
Edited by The_Lowang: 12/10/2015 10:52:32 PMBoba fett failed me last time, next time i'll hire the predator
Jango Fett[spoiler] wait what who is this scrub?[/spoiler]
Depends on if there can be disintegration
Call in the Dark Brotherhood.
Slade is the only one with Death in his name. Checkmate.
Penus pole.
I love the predator but he's not a hitman/bounty hunter, they are more like trophy hunters.
donald trump
I feel like death stroke would do it better quietly and quickly. Boba would make it impossible to fail however. It's a tough one.
Deathstroke or Boba Fett. I picked Boba because he has the best tech and gets results, but Deathstroke would at least be able to do the job quietly.
(Dead pool)
Edited by JayTea: 12/11/2015 9:02:52 PMPredator would probably kill me in negotiations, boba wouldn't
Predator hunts for sport and Boba hunts for money so I feel like I could actually hire Boba. Where as predator probably wouldn't even give 2 shits.
Reverse penis pole
Bramd - old
Deadpool isn't on there -
The one time a penis pole should've worked...
Deathstroke, if he can beat Batman... Either him or Deadshot.
Penis Poll