*loses the lead*
"I liked it better when we were in first place."
Me: Nolan stfu and let me drive
[b]Edit 1:[/b] lol
[b]Edit 2:[/b] Hi Cozmo! :D
Lmao! I'm glad I'm not the only one telling my ghost to shut up!
i just want to know what happens when two people hit the finish line at the exact same time. most racing games either crash, or lock up because it don't know what to do since statistically its very unlikely
Haha good to have a laugh once in awhile in these forums lol
I bet Dinklebot would've been a much more tolerable passenger.
Edited by Fal Chavam: 12/10/2015 7:07:10 PM"You do realize being in front means more things will be shooting at us?" I fluckin know! but they aren't gonna hit me if I'm moving faster than a bullet.
Nolanbot: "Aren't we supposed to be going faster?" Me: what the -blam!- do you think I'm doing?!
Shut up ordis
Lol love it.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
That's what you get for not blasting either [i]Running in the 90s[/i] or [i]Tokyo Drift[/i]. Casul scrubs, the lot of ye. -
Edited by Bush league1007: 12/10/2015 7:02:19 PM*loses the lead* "I liked better when we were in the lead" DONT YOU HAVE AN ALARM TO SET OFF?
Yeah I hate how much chatter takes place when there is a dog fight for first. Had a race where I was in front but only by a little. Eventually lost it when people kept aggressively shoving me. Then Nolanbot que's up "I thought the objective was to stay in the lead." I never wanted to throw my controller so hard.
Edited by A Rising Wind: 12/10/2015 2:49:51 PM"I heard Ikora say once that the cabal have 6 words for advance, and none for retreat." Lowers Valus Mau'ual health "Valus Mau'ual Flees"
Wish you could turn all commentary from this game off.
These comments are gold
Dinklebot: "When I got you your sparrow, this isn't what I thought you would intend to use it for" Oh stfu and let me race!!
Nice driving! You're in the.... I liked it better when we were in..... This is a hostile planet, are you sure you want to be in..... They're out riding....
*Hits wall* Amanda Holiday - Nice driving! Me - -blam!- you, you sarcastic -blam!-. *Starts Fapping* [spoiler]fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap[/spoiler]
Edited by Sax Appeal: 12/10/2015 6:30:40 PMThis happened to me yesterday. God damn nolanbot.
"LETS SHOW THEM WHAT WE CAN DO!" sounds so childish.
I feel the same way, but it's still hilarious and I love it.
Him saying that is what makes me rage and psych me out of winning. It's so frustrating.
I had that happen to me last night
Am I the only one that sometimes doesn't make the jump on that mars map right before the huge rotating Halo 2 fans?
>Machine of light has the power to bring life back from the dead and grant them unfathomable cosmic powers >Is afraid of everything