Anybody else think it is completely ridiculous that anyone can now get the Chaperone via sparrow racing instead of the crucible?
Having the last word equipped while completing sparrow races awards a certain percentage rather than last word kills.
It is no different than playing a crucible match and equipping it at the last minute when you know your team has the win secured. Also any quest that you can lose progress on is retarded and whoever thought that would be a good idea should be fired.
I cheesed mine in Mayhem clash. Did the old hide and go super! 4 matches.
I mean it kinda makes sense. Amanda Holliday runs the event and the Chaperone is affiliated with her family. Kinda poetic lol.
Bungie always caves and makes shit easier to get when peeps cry enough lol
Sparrow racing is defined under crucible... I don't c any logic to ur post whatsoever. U can still die in sparrow racing and lose %
You're a dumbass for posting this.
I mean honestly if they weren't good enough to get it they probably won't be good enough to use it
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I'm probably in the minority, but I've given up on ever owning the Chaperone, unless it's added to the loot table at some point. I'm not terrible in Crucible, I can even do okay with some legendary handcannons, but The Last Word is just completely wrong for me. Never used it in Year One, and apparently the changes they made to it in 2.0 made TLW completely unusable for some people (like me). So, when this...exploit...for SRL became known, I'll admit...I was definitely tempted. Finally, it seemed the blessings of RNGesus had bestowed upon me the perfect workaround. But then...I realized I was being seduced... ...had I given in, taken the quick and easy Vader did... agent of evil, I would become. -
It's not even hard to get the Chaperone..just hop into any 6v6 mayhem. Finished in 3 matches.
I got it the hard way, so it's little upsetting, but whatever
You get 4% max for finishing a race without death. It will take 25 perfect races to get from 0-100% Races average at about 5min, not counting loading screens That is 125 minutes or 2 hours and 5 minutes Of just Racing. On the same two tracks. Very Grindy
I think it's great. I really don't like pvp, and barely play it. So having a way to work around the hardest part is a nice change. And remember there is still a whole lot more grinding in addition to this step, so it's not just racing to get the Chaperone. That being said, I'm sure it'll get patched out soon.
Only rank 1. ALOT of racing to do for crucible rank 3. To start quest. Probably be patched by then.
I am happy cause I won't ever use TLW in crucible.
Oh well. If it wasn't this people would feed each other for the bounty instead
I've finally been able to do mine thanks to SRL. Takes quite a while though. 4% for a win, 3% for a completion.
I had it equipped and didn't even realise until an hour ago..its up to 78% lol
Now everybody knows.
You lose progress when you die (jumping off your sparrow repeatedly at the end of a match lowers the percentage), also, I swear the percentage went up faster if I placed higher in the race. Yes, it makes getting it done easier, but it's still no walk in the park at 30+ races to complete the quest. Just FYI
why the quest is to defeat guardians in the crucible racing counts as crucible so not a problem and for the record i already have chaperone got it before racing came out
Does this work for imprecation too?
Really? Gtfo. I know what I'll be equipping when I play tonight.
Thanks for the heads up
Chaperone sucks anyway
Swiggetty swesticle I spot a [b][i]desticle[/i][/b]
I have not been able to get tlw