I'm sick and tired of snipers saying they are so skilled! Just wait until you try the snipers in Battlefield then tell me if your skilled! I swear they act all high and mighty like they're the best of the best while they camp in the corner and shoot our heads open, use a shotgun like a real skilled player like me!
I swear they are so op it's stupid how op they. Hello, if you are still reading, Congratulations you passed the test! Give yourself a high five. However if you read this post because I told you to read it since you didn't, you failed. This test was to see how many people would either just read the title THEN comment or read the first paragraph THEN comment. Of course I was just Jacking your chain I honestly don't care. It's funny how people only read the title
It's retarded how Op they are! They need to nerf them. Yeah Everytime I make a paragraph I will make a bull shite sentence on "why they need to nerf snipers" just to lower suspicions and I'm gonna be making sure I make a lot of paragraphs and next paragraph. Yes I am sneaking edits in here you don't need to ask little boy. Ayyy we hit the thousand marker congrats to me.
And for all the snipers who say they are "skilled" I hope you sleep. And back so it's time to name some magnificent fruits: Tomato Apple banana orange peach manga kiwi tangerine and I'm bored. That's enough of that. So how's life? Oh yeah don't say anything about this being a shitpost in the comment section. It's nice that people who did read the post is making my little job easier by telling them that they didn't read the post thank you. And now my house is just filled with salt and more to spare for my backyard. Oh my lord. So I revived this post for the jokes of it and to let you know it'll be harder to reply since the app won't show replies. If you know how to fix that please tell.
Bungie if you are reading this then do the right thing and. Back, so I am doing a project in my English class we are supposed to type an essay about some abolitionists during the underground railroad had to add an extra space so I don't capitalize it, might cause suspicion. So a little update on my essay, apparently my teacher doesnt know how to citations because instead of putting it at the end like your supposed to do I have to put fifty citations per paragraph yay me. Finally finished the Essay! Yay now I don't have to hear my teacher whine about citations anymore
If you still don't believe that snipers should be nerfed then you are a problem to the community. Ok so I'm gonna make the last paragraph about me hating the sniper in all caps. Congratulations again, you have passed the test. One more thing, the Destiny community is one of the most toxic community I have ever seen congrats.
Edited by Sixclicks: 12/21/2015 1:02:28 AMSo many people don't know how to read. The best is when they call you a retard when in reality they're just proving that they are because they didn't even read what you said before replying. Such idiots. I would also expect people to recognize this type of post as it's been done before, but as I said, people on the forums are a bunch of idiots who react immediately upon any disagreement and disregard everything else.
Im actually alright at battlefield sniping, as well as destiny and cod, what ever it is, snipers are bae
Step 1: Punch yourself in the face Step 2: Repeat Step 1
Nice dude, glad you finished your assignment.
Edited by TheRedThirst: 12/20/2015 11:21:54 PMBut I do snipe in BF.... I snipe in all FPS games I play, dont dictate to me what I can and cannot play with in games I bought with my own money also your post is retarded and a waste of time, why bother spending 10 minutes of typing to see if people would read a wall of text or not
Slowly claps.... This is one of the best post Iv seen.
Some one nerf this douche
You do realize your post is also toxic. You are saying nerf without any real solution. You should have listed how other secondaries don't stand out at the moment besides shotguns. Snipers are the same in every game, headshots are always 1 shot kills and they always have high impact otherwise it would not be a sniper. Secondly you say shotguns require real skill which is a very biased opinion as I along with the majority believe shotguns do not and they have been very viable since they were first buffed earlier this year. Felwinters lie ran pvp for the longest. My matador with LITC was stupid overpowered. If anything requires skill as of now it's fusion rifles and sidearms which is why you see very few of them. Go use a fusion rifle compared to a shotgun and see how easy it is. The problem is not snipers they work no differently in this game compared to any other fps. The problem is the other guns in the secondary category fall short as of now, fusions aren't that good, sidearms are ok, and shotguns are good depending on map and play style. Chaperone is a beast though. Yes I have played battlefield but that game is also harder than destiny in every way so you can't really compare the two because one is more of a tactical war simulator and the other is an arcade shooter.
Well played, sir, Well played
Use a shotgun like skilled person?? Lol a 5 year old could go around and just press the button with out aiming and get a double kill if he's lucky and that's with a shot gun and if your complaining about getting shot by a sniper maybe you should keep moving and stop stopping to look at everything maybe your just an easy target lol gain some skill and then you can use a sniper I'm not even a sniper I don't use shotguns either I use this new thing called a primary :) might want to try it sometime
Where the satire at.
Edited by Attacker Steve: 12/20/2015 9:17:05 PM
I sir, are a genius for this. Definitely proves what this community consists of. Well played.
"Use a Shotgun like a real skills played like me" use your fúcking primary! :)
Stop reading wall of text after this man said shotguns are for skilled users ha lmfao
TL;DR this community is full of idiots
Git gud skrub
Nice dude, glad you finished your assignment.
Test are op please nerf.
They always forget the satire...
Edited by Binx: 12/20/2015 7:19:17 PMNo one actually reads the freaking text before they comment. You guys who did this should really read the freaking thing before making comments on how he is wrong. Some of you may have been sarcastic in the comments but seriously? I started getting on the forums a few days ago and all I see is these terrible comments about how everyone is right, and hey I'm not always right either, and who knows maybe I'm not right with this comment.
Monster Hunter - old
[quote]use a shotgun like a real skilled player like me![/quote] -
Edited by Cyberjovi 2021: 12/20/2015 7:00:25 PMLolol