Part 1:
Check out Zebra's Fanfic:
“Who the hell are you?” Sasha said angrily, drawing her Hawkmoon. This guardian didn’t look right. The hunter barked a short laugh.
“You might know me as the Taken Guardian, but to my friends and, sometimes my enemies, I’m known as Zara. I was exiled from the tower.” She continued, taking gradual steps toward her. Sasha noticed for the first time she had two knives on her belt.
Sasha’s eyes narrowed. “YOU!?” Sasha thought for a moment. “Never heard of ya.” Sasha held her hawkmoon in one hand, and the other hand on her hip. She had her chin up. “I don’t concern myself in what happens at the tower.”
Zara facepalmed. “I’m the one who killed all those guardians, 16 years ago?” Zara pointed at herself with... pride?
“Hmmm….. nope, still don’t know ya.” Sasha said with boredom.
Zara shook her head exasperatedly. “Ah, forget it. I wasn’t one for popularity anyways. But still, you’re one of the most experienced Guardians around, and you’re going to have to die.” The guardian stated blatantly.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Sasha said, and clenched her fist.
The hunter sighed with a hint of boredom. “Ah, -blam!- it.” Zara whirled around and planted her knife into the pod’s hull. Air began seeping out with a slight hiss.
That did it. Sasha jumped into the air with her jump jet, summoned her hammer, and landed beside her pod. She hit Zara aside, and put her palm on the crack, fusing it shut. She turned around and became a living rocket again.
She raised her hammer. “DIE, YOU GOTHIC ASSWIPE!” Sasha yelled, swinging the hammer at Zara’s face. There was a loud clang, and Sasha was shocked to see the hunter’s two knives drawn and were currently blocking her swing, pulsating with dark energy.
“Haha, Mother-blam!-er!” Zara taunted, “Being Taken is pretty shitty, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have it’s perks!” Sasha was shot backwards across the lunar surface, flying towards dave’s old pod. [i]-blam!- that.[/i] She fired her jump jet and slowed down. [i]Done that once before, not this time.[/i]
She looked up. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your burning flesh!” Sasha retorted, swinging her hammer a second time at the hunter. It hit her dead in the face, cracking her visor open. Glass flew everywhere, and Zara fell to the ground and held her face.
“Bitch!” She yelled angrily at Sasha. She didn’t need oxygen to survive, for she was taken.
“Hey, I aim to please.” Sasha held her hammer’s head in her palm, and de-summoned it.
“You’re a… a good fighter.” The hunter seemed to struggle to admit this.
“I’ve been in this game for a loooong time, ZarZar.” Sasha shook her head and smiled.
Zara’s cracked helmet revealed her face as she looked at Sasha. She had red eyes, and traditional taken skin. Her face was twisted into a smile. Sasha cringed.
“Looks like I get to have some fun with you!” She cackled, standing up.
And then she disappeared in a flash of black and white with a faint hush.
“Ghost, track that transmat.” Sasha told ghost with urgency.
“I… can’t.” Ghost said, embarrassed. “That wasn’t a transmat.”
The center of her radar glowed a very faint red.
“Where are you?” Sasha cursed, doing a 360 scan around the area. Nothing.
The center of her radar was bright red now, and Sasha was aware of a faint whistling sound.
“What the f-” she tried to say, but was cut off by someone slamming into her from above.
Sasha struggled to get Zara off her back.
“The hell?!” Sasha said as she elbowed Zara in the side, to no avail.
Zara’s laughter was maniacal; It sounded like a hyena who had just swallowed nails.
She jammed a darkness-tainted knife into Sasha’s shoulder and jumped off.
“Agh!” Sasha reached around and pulled the knife out. She noticed the dark membrane. “Is this… darkness?”
“Maybe!” Zara was obviously losing it.
“Ghost, try to patch to the Guardian.” Sasha grunted.
“On it.” Ghost worked.
Sasha began to run in for a punch, but felt weak and collapsed on her hands and knees. She could feel the darkness pulsing through her veins. Zara kicked Sasha on her back and jumped on top of her.
Zara pulled out a knife, and raised it above her head.
Sasha was [i][u]not[/u][/i] about to die like this.
[i]Been here too long,[/i] Sasha thought. [i], and it’s sure as hell not about to end like this.[/i]
She pulled on whatever light she had left. And, when she gathered it all, she felt something inside her-
[i][b]a fire.[/b][/i]
She coughed out words. “Sorry, Zar-” Sasha smiled. “If you want to get me on my back, you have to buy me dinner, first.” And then,
Sasha became an inferno.
“AGGGHHHHHH!” Zara screeched, while on fire. “YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLE!”
Sasha looked down. She was ablaze. A living sun.
She looked at Sasha in horror. The airless space of the moon set Zara out quickly.
“Hey, don’t call me asshole;” Sasha summoned her hammer. “Call me the asshole who owns this moon.”
But it wasn’t her hammer; and there were two.
She had hatchets in either hand.
“Woah…” Sasha looked at the golden-plated, silver-bladed throwing axe. The handle was leather; but somehow unaffected by the flames. They had taikonaut symbols as a pendants. The hatchets had flat surfaces on the back as a counterbalance; and they could be used as hammers. The backs had rocket insignias, with chinese symbols for ‘Sasha’ and ‘Chu’. They were both the size of her forearm to her hand.
Her pack had been altered, too; it hummed with extreme solar energy. In fact, the solar energy was seeping into her helmet. The visor showed the pack’s power supply: over 9000% the max amount. She could use that. She used her lift to get closer to Zara, initiated her pack at 40x what she normally would, and blinked, farther than any hunter or warlock could. She didn’t even have to be in the air. She just- teleported.
“Haah!” She sighed in disbelief.
She was right beside Zara. In confusion on what just happened, she lifted her axes and swung them down, but Zara teleported away. Her radar was blank.
“She’s gone.” Ghost said.
“Damn it...” Sasha tried to de-summon her axes, but couldn’t. “She’ll get what’s coming to her soon enough.”
“What do you think… happened to you?” Ghost analyzed her.
“Hmm, well let’s see… I got angry, made a snarky remark, darkness had infected me, I, ummm... reshaped it, and then I my hammer became two axes.” She looked at them. “Oh, and now I’m a titan with blink.”
Ghost was dumbstruck.
After Sasha settled down, her hatchets stayed. She tried again to de-summon them. [i]Oh well, now I can use them whenever.[/i] She hooked them around her belt, and they extinguished.
“Hmm. My pack…” She inspected it, and her visor, and saw that her power was only the normal amount. “It must only be charged that high when I light on fire...” She reasoned.
And so, she trained with the sun.
Annnnnd we're done. But don't fret, more is on the way....
Chapter 8:
Don't fret!
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