*Sigh* This is a game based heavily off of MMO principles, MMO loot becomes obsolete all the time. #GetOverIt.
Pacific Rimjawb - old
Until they being it back in a December update bc they have nothing else to drop for the holidays...... Remember that stuff you were supposed to GET OVER? Well.....here ya go.. -
See what you're too dumb to understand is there's not a lot of armor and guns (legendary) in this game a couple of 100+ isn't enough for a discussion especially when this game isn't exactly an mmo When a game have 500+items it's fine because the next expansion is probably gonna have more than that but this game has around 100 new guns every expansion
have you hit your head in last few days? are you trying to defend bungie a year after they made this statement? open you eyes.
Destiny not a mmo
just because it has [i]some[/i] MMO lite to it doesn't mean they have to use the shittiest part of an MMO
Doesn't change the fact that they lied dipshit
Edited by OldHabitsDieHard: 12/4/2015 9:25:49 AMThat's why they are bringing back year 1 exotics right, because stuff becomes obsolete. You're an idiot.
Lol, let me know when you find the "massive" part in destiny, only massive bit I found was the disappointment.
Edited by GANTZ: 12/4/2015 9:27:30 AMalso no MMO that takes your stuff away every 3 months , before you even get time to have fun with your obtained items , not counting overkill nerfs inbetween , real MMOs have story and content so they dont need to resort to this shit , yes they add new stuff but its a natural RPG progression , not forced reset like in destiny , there you move on to obtain new and better items in destiny they take away your items and force you grind just to get the same stuff back you already had or replace your items with worse ones , sometimes they also change the color of the items lol , pathetic bungie
Edited by EzE_408: 12/4/2015 4:05:14 AMUnfortunately, most of the people on these forums have no clue what are MMO elements. That's why you get the ignorant responses you see below. Regardless, Bungie has specifically said they have used MMO elements in the creation of the game. I always love it when it's said that Destiny has MMO elements and then some idiot responds, "Destiny is not a MMO". They just ignore the word "elements" altogether.
Edited by turbtators: 12/4/2015 4:08:54 PMYou're calling people idiots after you failed to read this above post. It says "This is a game based heavily off of MMO principles". That has a much different meaning from "elements" dumby.
That doesn't make it OK.
Destiny isnt an MMO. Good try.
[quote]Unfortunately, most of the people on these forums have no clue what are MMO elements. That's why you get the ignorant responses you see below. Regardless, Bungie has specifically said they have used MMO elements in the creation of the game. I always love it when it's said that Destiny has MMO elements and then some idiot responds, "Destiny is not a MMO". They just ignore the word "elements" altogether.[/quote]
So if i go into patrol and want to do the sparrow racing patrol mission, doesnt that make this game [i]basically[/i] a racing game?
Terrible analogy. You are just stupid.
But hey... https://blogs.microsoft.com/firehose/2014/09/12/a-primer-on-destinys-mmo-ish-qualities-and-how-they-influence-gameplay/
No, im just using what you said as an example.
Lol so I guess running and walking in a game make it an RPG? Such an idiot. Genres don't exist everyone !!
By that logic, the Notebook is now a sci-fi action thriller
"Such an idiot. Genres don't exist everyone !!" Your insults would probably carry more weight if you posted something that actually made sense. Gibberish.
Except in a actual MMO(because Destiny is far from being a MMO) your loot is being replaced by similar yet better loot on a very consistent basis. The weapon pool in Destiny is so limited that you can't use the argument of it being "based off a MMO". Infusion helps a little bit but not enough.
[quote]Except in a actual MMO(because Destiny is far from being a MMO) your loot is being replaced by similar yet better loot on a very consistent basis. The weapon pool in Destiny is so limited that you can't use the argument of it being "based off a MMO". Infusion helps a little bit but not enough.[/quote] Oh please. Every MMO has one, maybe two weapons [i]per class [/i]in the end game that are considered BiS. Destiny has way more options.
Exactly. Don't argue with a mob of idiots though!