I'm still working on exotic swords, I'm in progress on the crucible questline. I have yet to do the subclass questlines. I've barely dabbled into the Touch of Malice quest. And I need to upgrade subclasses yet. (I had all three classes maxed on both and restarted Hunter and warlock to change their gender to male, and now only have 2 maxed on lock and 1 maxed and another close on Hunter.)
Edited by GoonerGuy8: 12/2/2015 12:52:33 PMI would argue, that you just be can't be bothered to do all of that stuff because at the end of the day you know it's pointless. I completed the elimination quest line yesterday I know it's not a big thing but my reward was a 85 rated scout rifle. That is just taking the piss, I would of rather have received no reward lol
No, I honestly get a little bit of satisfaction. Subclass quests not so much. Crucible, I've enjoyed. I've jumped through quite a few things I wouldn't have done freely, and found I enjoyed certain things. Swords have been...entertaining. farming those materials was grindy but became something to do while chatting with clanmates. Made it easier and we made a race out of it.