You mean like Destiny $80 rebying content year one players already own, just to get exotic class items that are literally trash other then getting glimer?
Edited by Coheedrocks27: 11/25/2015 4:34:02 PMSo going to see a movie now costs around what non imax? 8 or 9 bucks? Plus with how expensive popcorn and a drink cost it ends up being like at least 25 - 30 bucks. So you go see a 2 hour movie for around 15 bucks an hour on average or buy a 60 dollar game and can get at least 6 to 10 hours of playtime out of the shortest games so that's at minimum 10 bucks an hour plus replay value. So 60 bucks for a 6 hour game is actually more cost worthy than a movie I am so tired of people trying to say a game isn't worth 60 bucks because it's short. It's the experience that counts, not the length
Movies cost 14$ per person
Not alot of games justify the initial 60$ price tag.
Only poor ass peasants worry about $60 wasted. Blowing $60 on entertainment should not be a big deal, if it is you should not pick current gen video games.
Edited by Retro_Spective: 11/25/2015 2:45:53 PMIt's not about money numpty. It's about the future ramifications for gamers, when people support this sort of shit. Dice should've had a longer dev cycle. It's a glorified demo, anyone who buys this crap on release should be ashamed.
It is fun, no shame needed, move along entitled knot head.
Wait, hold on. Are you saying that you don't even have the game and are posting this just to copy the opinions of other people?