In my opinion I say that transgender is wrong but you know that's just my opinion
Let's lynch them
[quote]that's just my opinion[/quote]A wrong opinion but whatever.
Typical liberal logic. "You disagree with me in terms of _____ so you're wrong."
Oh sure, pin it on just liberals.
Actually you're right, a lot of parties seem to have this logic.
Every party does.
An opinion can't be wrong, it's against the purpose/definition of an opinion
Some can be. [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] think the white race is the superior race. That's an opinion but also scientifically false.
[quote]o·pin·ion əˈpinyən/ noun a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. [/quote]
Like I showed earlier, an opinion can still be true or wrong. Some can't be but some can.
[quote]Like I showed earlier, an opinion can still be true or wrong. Some can't be but some can.[/quote] But his has no scientific backing, so it cannot be proven/disproven
Something like that can't be proven scientifically but it's still wrong just like how the n[b]a[/b]zis thought Jews were evil. That's wrong, just like his trans comment..
You don't even make any sense lol
An opinion can be wrong when its based off a false fact, he just thinks being transgender is being wrong which is not based on facts For example: "I think the sky isn't blue" That is a wrong opinion, because based on facts, it is blue. "I like that shirt" That opinion cannot be wrong, because it is based on the person and his preference and cannot be proven wrong.
[quote]In my opinion I say that transgender is wrong but you know that's just my opinion[/quote]