I dont give half a flying -blam!- who they sleep with. But when they start coming up with "national homosexual day" "transgender remembrance day" and that shit, it gets on my nerves. They dont need a holiday. Its like having White People day. We already have the LGBT community shoved down our throats with all the fuss about gay rights and all sorts of stuff. Its like "Hey im gay dont say anything mean you have to accept me because im very insecure about my sexuality and if you do say something mean, its offensive to me"
Its too much of a fuss, is what im saying. If you're gay, you're gay. I dont care. But you dont need all the attention and holidays. Get that stick out of your ass (no pun intended).
[quote]I dont give half a flying -blam!- who they sleep with. But when they start coming up with "national homosexual day" "transgender remembrance day" and that shit, it gets on my nerves. They dont need a holiday. Its like having White People day[/quote]So white people are constantly discriminated against, shunned, bullied, killed, and ostracized just like the LGBT communuity?
No but thats not the point
^ ^ ^ This. So much this.