For about 2-3 weeks now threads are filled with people claiming they're quitting, bashing Destiny and saying this game was a waste of money. When in reality most of us have a still have soft spot for this game.
Put yourselves in the Developers shoes, if you created a game that you worked hard on but gaming community gave nothing but crap it once they got bored of the game. Would you want to continue to try and a game if all peoppe do is talk bad about it?
Edited by Loyal Au Mort : 11/23/2015 10:08:09 PMWe're excited for the return of year one exotic weapons. There's a limited amount of new year two exotics. The Strike Playlists have been reduced (depending on difficulty) and some existing strikes have just been retuned. As soon as one weapon starts to dominate in the crucible that weapon is nerfed (easier to address one weapon than buff multiple alternatives). Obvious features such as faction sparrows have not been introduced. Year one items often outclass year two counterparts. Previous random events (Wolves) have been removed. Two raids are obsolete. Time gating introduced even more. Off the top of my head I think the developers have already given up.