Are you gaurdian that does not know anyone that is going to buy destiny soon and want to complete the refer-a-friend quests, then make a post on here with you class and perfered waepon types.
the goal of this forum is to connect new-commers to veterran players that can undergo the refer-a-friend program for the sweet loot.
whats required
-which console and account name
-perfered class, subclasses ranked
-perefered weapon types (i.e. fusion rifle, handcannon, etc)
Vets cannot accept Vets invites, the only people that can accept them are referees which are people how have just started playing destiny, defined by WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, the main purpose of this is for around the holiday times when people are buying it.
On PS4 I'm Cheesomon a 318 Titan looking for a noobie here's my link:
Message me on ps4 if you're new and want to do the refer a friend quest
veteran warlock looking for new players on xbox one. name is the same. don't care what you use. send me a message.
310 Titan looking to help out any new player trying to get those sweet, sweet refer a friend rewards on PS4. The name is the same as on here, ills85, and literally have 0 prefrence on what you guys use for weapons or class/subclass. I'll most likely be rocking Sunbreaker and some scout rifle. Hit me up for a relaxed run new guys and gals!
Day one vet looking to help any and all new players. Will answer any questions you have. If already have a vet, please feel free to give code to anyone who needs it.
Looking to help any new player in a Titan 320 on ps4 add stevenzmr
Edited by ViolentA79: 12/29/2015 7:17:20 PM296 Hunter on XboxOne. Day one year one player. Looking for a newbie to do the refer a friend with. Hit me up gamer tag ViolentA79.
Do you play on PS4? Looking for a group of laid back people with Day One experience? Add GingerGallifrey and use the following code for the Bonus Items! Or
Edited by DartVader: 12/29/2015 6:07:06 PMLooking for a New player to do refer a friend. Xbox One Gt D Walker 45 Main-296 Warlock Veteran
Hello, I'm a beta/ day1 vet looking for a referee on Xbox one. My GT is Peter NightOwl my perfered class is the Warlock but i like both hunters and titans as well. My light levels range from 316-319. My perfered weapon types are handcannons, pulse rifles, fusion rifles and sniper rifles. I am happy to help you with strikes, raids, iron banner and trials of osiris ( i have a 1.9 trials K/D and do carries frequently) Send me a message if your interested and i will send you the link
Edited by NorEastor: 12/29/2015 7:11:04 PMI'm a veteran still looking on Xbox 1. Gamertag is NorEastor Had to update my link:
Edited by megatron1984: 12/29/2015 3:47:33 PMAny new players looking for help in leveling up? I'm a light lvl 318 titan. I am on the ps4. Message me for the link.
Hi, Vet player here, been playing since Beta on XB1. I only really play a hunter but sometimes dabble with my titan. favorite weapons would probably have to be scout rifles, pulse rifles, and hand canons for primary's and snipers or side arms for secondary. I play quite regularly and can help out with any raids or quests that might be bothersome, I also know secrets! secrets from the interwebs! . Add me and we can complete the refer a friend quest together! :)just send me a message and lets get er done! GT: Demosnemo Refer a friend code:
*ATTN* KinderGuardian Veteran Player looking for a Referee.. My Name is D4RTHJ4YDER I am a Day 0 member, meaning I BETA tested destiny and Have actively participated since launch. I have witness the growth of destiny & it's community and I am totally committed to helping you forge your new Guardian! I have done it all and there is no one better then I to guide you! I have generated a code for you underneath! My Platform is XB1, my GT is D4RTHJ4YDER and I hope to see you soon! "My Warlock is 319, my Hunter is 310+ & my Titan is in the oven.. Msg me I hope to hear from you!
*ATTN* KinderGuardian Veteran Player looking for a Referee.. My Name is D4RTHJ4YDER I am a Day 0 member, meaning I BETA tested destiny and Have actively participated since launch. I have witness the growth of destiny & it's community and I am totally committed to helping you forge your new Guardian! I have done it all and there is no one better then I to guide you! I have generated a code for you underneath! My Platform is XB1, my GT is D4RTHJ4YDER and I hope to see you soon! "My Warlock is 319, my Hunter is 310+ & my Titan is in the oven.. Msg me I hope to hear from you!
Hey, Looking for a Referee on Xbox One I was wondering if anyone who is new to Destiny would like to do the Refer-a-Friend Quest line? I am willing to help anyone who wants to do it and to put in the effort to help out someone. Regardless how long it takes. Maybe even make a friend in the process. I main Hunter, but I'm good with Warlock and Titan. If you are interested or know someone who might be, my gamer tag is IceWolfyX . Just drop me a message and Ill get back to you.
Hello Guardians. Been here since Alpha Day 0 lol. Hunter is main but great on all characters. PS4 tailwind08 Will help you in whatever. Ghost hunting. Calcified fragments, ranking etc. If you want to link up my link is below.
Edited by JehnSnow: 12/29/2015 4:28:51 AMXbox one Jenmeister07 Any class Any weapon I have three maxed characters around 318-319 and I'd love to link up with someone and help them out along the way! Just shoot me a message or friend request and let me know when you'd like to start.
Beta/Day 1 player looking for a new player to show the ropes. Can help with anything on Xbox One. My gamertag is Shadose
Day one guardian, looking to help a new player fight the darkness together. Got tons of experience and can answer any questions that are needed and really just looking to have a good time. My ref link is: and hope to see you soon guardian.
Xbox One Veteran here looking for a new taken king player to setup and complete the refer a friend quests! Message me anytime! Here's my code:
Hello there, I am theleaper101. I play on the Xbox One, and I've decided to help new people out since I've already done everything in Destiny, so why not. If you're interested, just message me and I'll give you a code
Need a new player destiny vet here gt-Alpha3agle
Edited by Gryphticon: 12/29/2015 12:46:24 AMI'm a y2 PS4 veteran but I know the ins and outs of King's Fall raid. I'm looking for someone to refer-a-friend. Once you're ready we can do the raid as well as hm raid. I also have a clan with weekly raids as well as crucible/iron banner fireteams. Send me a message on psn if interested. GryphticonPrime
Hi, I'm a vet player looking for refer a friend! After finish the quest I can help you get better gear and run through nightfall and raids. Msg for code or reply:)! Xbox one
Got Destiny Taken King fir Christmas. Trying to link up with another Guardian,but I keep getting In order to Refer-a-Friend, you must have played Destiny: The Taken King with your account. I have an account, my character progress shows up on the page, can anyone help? In return we can conquer the darkness and save the traveler. Thanks