I don't see why motivation makes a difference, but I'll refer you to my conversation with Tartan on the subject below.
So ignore racially motivated violence because it's no worse than random muggings?
What? I never said anything of the sort. All violence should be punished regardless of motivation. The only deciding factor should be the damage incurred.
Yeah you're just not getting it, but luckily the courts do.
I am still looking for an explanation from you why some citizens should be a protected class.
All people are a protected class, you're just being stupid.
Obviously "protected class" means over and above the protection of the common man. Answer the question. Why should some people be more protected by the law than other people? I am just asking for a straight answer.
You're asking a loaded question that [b]assumes[/b] some people are more protected than others. [b]They are not.[/b] Human rights are granted to humans, there are no special 'black rights' or 'transsexual rights'. [b]Everyone is treated the same. [/b]
Pardon me if I misunderstood you, but didn't you say that racially motivated crimes should be punished differently than crimes with no racial motivation? That would make any minority a protected class.
[quote]I don't see why motivation makes a difference, but I'll refer you to my conversation with Tartan on the subject below.[/quote] Do you think targeted assault and murders for something that someone is born as is worse than just collateral damage in a gang shooting or something? I do. Killing someone because they're an asshole is shitty. Killing someone because they're gay is worse, I think.
Edited by beowulf 678: 11/22/2015 12:59:48 AMI see the difference between accidental death and murder. But I think motive in murder is of little consequence, if it is indeed murder.
[quote]I see the difference between accidental death and murder. But I think motive in murder is of little consequence, if it is indeed murder.[/quote]So all murder is equally bad, to you?
Right. I mean I do understand what you are saying, but it seems like splitting hairs.
[quote]Right. I mean I do understand what you are saying, but it seems like splitting hairs.[/quote]And I'm not trying to make it seem like other murders don't matter, but killing someone because of a biological characteristic, to me, is worse than killing someone because of an actual reason like they stole your woman or something.
It seems to me that murder should be punished as murder regardless of how or why it was committed. Deciding which murder is more heinous is tedious and pointless.
If you were part of a minority that was at a higher risk of being murdered due to skin colour or sexuality, it would probably seem quite important.
Edited by beowulf 678: 11/24/2015 6:09:08 AMHow about we stop dealing in "ifs" and emotions, and use facts instead? Tell me: Why is motivation and/or means a deciding factor in how heinous a crime is? If a human life was taken then a punishment should be imposed. Period.
[quote]How about we stop dealing in "ifs" and emotions, and use facts instead?... [b]If[/b] a human life was taken then a punishment should be imposed. Period.[/quote] Hahaha.
Really? Is that your best retort? By dealing in "ifs" I meant not using fairy tales to decide this argument. People die every day, but I am not going to change races or sexuality.
Yeah I just can't be bothered to explain something really obvious.