Thamaturgurs or something. Fist of havoc recharges melee. Melee kills recharge fist of havoc (don't know if shoulder charge counts.
The Thagomizers. Don't know the name of the perk, but it does this: Storm Fist kills charge your Fist of Havoc and FoH kills charge your Storm Fist. Should be nice. They look sick as -blam!-, too.
That will be OP, but I think bungie will find a way to nerf it because getting your FoH in PvP by just killing someone with your charged melee will be OP and people will complain.
Edited by JBO: 11/21/2015 11:49:19 AMI dont think it's one melee kill and you have your super. More like it just gives you more charge than what you would have gotten otherwise.
That would make a lot more sense because if it were like perpetual charge, a striker Titan will always have their super.