Us Warlocks were born in it. Moulded by it. Resurrected by it.
[spoiler]You Hunters merely adopted the void.
Us Warlocks were born in it. Moulded by it.[/spoiler]
Today I Learned : if you post something funny on the Destiny forum, about 25% of them will get the joke, 25% will think you are serious, and the remaining 50% will blindly insult you. Proof that at least half of the desticle community is stupid. I'm going back to reddit, kek.
no no no my friend.............. HUNTERS were born in solar energy!!!!!!!!! my default subclass is solar. You dress wearing warloks are Void, which us hunters stole (BTW) am i the only one who remembers this crap??? oh you must be a dlc2 or year 2 player and dont know you had to make it to level 15 b4 you could begin your second subclass. so let me inform you, HUNTERS are the original SOLAR experts. warloks are VOID and TITANS are arc.