Us Warlocks were born in it. Moulded by it. Resurrected by it.
[spoiler]You Hunters merely adopted the void.
Us Warlocks were born in it. Moulded by it.[/spoiler]
Today I Learned : if you post something funny on the Destiny forum, about 25% of them will get the joke, 25% will think you are serious, and the remaining 50% will blindly insult you. Proof that at least half of the desticle community is stupid. I'm going back to reddit, kek.
I am not the hero the tower needs, I am the one it deserves.
[spoiler]Lowest Common Denominator [/spoiler]
if you’re reading this you’re a real one - old
i never knew where this reference was from -
Yeah well us Hunters were born from the shadows, stealing arc, void, and solar and making them better.
I didnt see the light until i was only a man but by them it was nothing to me but BLINDING...the shadows betray you...cause they belong to me...i will show where i made my home in Gotham.[spoiler]my girlfriend hates it when i spew dark knight quotes :)[/spoiler]
This forum is so toxic, I literally cannot make a genuine post without people insulting me. I have just come to the conclusion that 50% of the people who insult you are children and the other 50% are adults who were most likely bullied as children and come to the forums to project them selves as bad asses. Guarantee 90% of the shit talkers on here would never say anything like they post in real life. Keyboard warriors I believe is the correct term.
Edited by RockNotABoulder: 11/20/2015 4:45:16 PMSigh.
Lol good one. What's with all the people not knowing the reference?...
Warlocks.. born in fire.. still worst solar class. Lolz
I'll have you know Titans were the first guardians
You sir have a date with my hammer. Remember to have her back here IN the house by 10
Haven't even seen batman and I understand. Gg sir
Us warlocks do arc better to
Lol I loved the edit even more
You warlocks merely adopted the arc. Us titans were born in it. Molded by it.
Best quote of the movie, thank you
You call people stupid and you use terms like "2/4"....
Molded * /facepalm
You win +15 internets
Hunters are solar. Warlocks are void. Titans are arc. [spoiler]awesome joke though[/spoiler]
You Nightstalkers merely adopted the void We voidwalkers were born in it, [b][u]MOLDED BY IT[/u][/b] we stay in the void ascertaining all the secrets. Never hearing of any thing such as arc or solar & by the time I did I was already [b][u]ENLIGHTENED[/u][/b] *nova bombs everything*
lol this
You Warlocks weren't born in it. Weren't moulded by it. [spoiler]Yeah, I'm talking about Stormcaller![/spoiler]
Edited by Cepaceous: 11/20/2015 4:21:04 PMAh, but you see, Commander Zavala, you merely adopted the sun. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light of day until I was already a man. (That last line doesn't work too well)
Dude no one ever gets jokes on here. 90% of these people have no humor radar at all.
Reddit is far safer and overall better than this site anyway; I don't blame you.