Calcified Fragments: A Look Through the Eyes of a Nerd
Ah yes, the fragments. They are basically the dead ghosts of the Dreadnought, but what separates them from the regular old dead Nolandroids and Dinklebots around the Cosmodrome? Well, you need to collect 45 for the ToM, but that isn't why we're here today. What most people don't know, (Or most likely don't care about...) the fragments is that you get some good old confusing Destiny lore with them, what fun! So, what I have heard a lot is that people don't exactly understand the Lore, and, to be honest, it is confusing. SO. Let's dive into this story of love and loss, shall we?
-------------------------------------------YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD TABLE OF CONTENTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Humble....ish, beginnings.
2 The Problem with Mortality...
3 An Unholy Bargain
4 The Hive
5 The Traveler
6 The Death of a Thousand Worlds
7 What This Means to YOU!
------------------------------Humble...ish, Beginnings-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALRIGHT, so I'm guessing you wanna know exactly who these Hive guys are, and what their beef is with our big round buddy. Well, their story starts out like any other story, with the beginning. However, unlike the beginning our story with the traveler, their story starts with a lot more suffering. So, these Hive guys had the awful privilege of surviving their home rocky planet crashing into a gas giant and being torn apart, leaving only a few continents flying around under layers and layers of atmosphere. Sounds fun, right? The species that survived in this atmosphere had lots of stuff trying to kill them. Literally it was like living in Australia, just with more death and less sun. Since their species was in constant danger, they only lived and maximum, about ten years. They had to live and die so fast to reproduce quickly.
---------------------------The Problem With Mortality...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, with this short lifespan, this species never really collects knowledge. All they know is fear, and it upsets three daughters of the king of one of the several continents. They decide to find knowledge, where ever is is. They want the knowledge to bring their people out of the suffering they have so long endured. This lured them, near the end of their lives, into the deep of the planet. What they found there, was anything but knowledge...
-----------------------------------An Unholy Bargain-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When the three sisters reached the depths of the planet, they found the worm gods. They, are the source of the Hive's darkness. These worms made a deal with the sisters, (the deal referenced in the ToM quest) they could have eternal life, but they have to feed the worms, with the perfection of the universe. The only way to perfect the universe to them, is to have one, ultimately strong race of beings. The sisters agreed to this unholy bargain, only to be used as an army to fight and conquer the universe.
Surprise Philosophy Time
In all my time thinking on THIS particular part of the story, I have come to the conclusion that it is a metaphor for envy. Envy is, by definition, the lust to have what someone else does. The Hive want to have the strength of all of life, and this is only possible through the destruction of others. The worm gods are supposed to represent envy, in the sense that they are the lust that wishes to have the power of others.
Power, much like energy, cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. In real life, a nation has power over their corner of the world, however, if the nation collapses or is conquered, then the power owned by that nation goes somewhere else. The Hive essentially wish to conquer all of life, by being the strongest.
This, of course, leads into the Hive's sword logic. The Hive does not necessarily believe that THEY have to be they race that wins. As long as perfection is reached, they do not care. That is why the Hive hates us so, not because we kill their gods, but because we did not take their place.
The Hive
The daughters return to their home, and tell their people of the bargain they have made. They know to fulfill their promise they must leave their home, and have the power of the universe. It just so turns out that a race of beings is living on the fifty two moons of their home planet of Fundament, plus one Traveler...
-----------------------------------------The Traveler---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You probably have already guessed who this guy is. He is our big round buddy! The Traveler has been giving knowledge to this race on Fundament's moons. This race may or may not be the Fallen. The Hive fought the Fallen, and caused the Traveler to retreat. Sound familiar? It sounds like the Fallen's whirlwind, but who knows how many civilizations the traveler has tried to prepare?
-----------------------------------------------The Death of a Thousand Worlds-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, the Hive fought all life, hoping to control the power they so desperately needed to fulfill their lust for it. (The worms) They caused so much suffering and destruction, who knows how many civilizations they have burnt to the ground for their lust? The last records of one of these civilizations can be used as a relic, and is awarded to you by Eris after defeating Oryx.
-----------------------------------------------------What This Means to YOU!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Humanity is essentially the last of the Light. The only reason the Traveler did not flee is because Rasputin essentially butt -blam!- him. This caused the Traveler to make the ghosts to combat the darkness, and, here we are!.
I hope this at least sort of breaks it down. There are lots of neat details in the grimoire. Check em out and leave some comments about what you think!
thanks enjoyed reading it, although it's cast a grim shadow over the traveler (forever fleeing) and also questions the speakers possible role, not to mention Rasputin, perhaps if we're lucky we'll see it unfold ingame in upcoming games, i.e. ep 4 'the traveler strikes back' (against us/Rasputin) leading to grand finale of us having to destroy the and/or change (conquer) traveler. think I've got around 11 fragments and for some reason there spread out throughout the whole book, would of thought they'd be in some sort of closer order, i.e. first possible ones I could find being parts 1through 5 etc. again a nice read.
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