A Tale of Two Guardians is a new ‘referral’ quest. Start with Our Own Story at The Speaker; he might give you an item to “link” you and a friend with, then you can go on various activities to earn rewards:
>[b]Comrades in Arms[/b]<
-Complete a Story mission with a Linked Friend.
"When allies work toward a common cause, there is little that can stand in their way." —The Speaker
>[b]Forged in Fire[/b]<
-Win a Crucible match with a Linked Friend.
"In the fires of the Crucible, a Guardian watching your back can be the difference between glorious victory and agonizing defeat." —Lord Shaxx
>[b]Pushing Back the Darkness[/b]<
-Complete the Daily Heroic Story mission with a Linked Friend.
"The galaxy is more dangerous than ever. Fight as one, and together you will triumph against the Darkness." —The Speaker
1. High Five (reward)
-Complete Patrols with a Linked Friend.
"This world is vast, and danger lurks in every shadowed corner. Shine your Light, and give the Darkness no place to hide." —The Speaker
1. Primary Telemetry +3 (reward)
2. Heavy Telemetry +3 (reward)
3. Special Telemetry +3 (reward)
>[b]Heroic Challenges[/b]<
-Complete a Heroic Strike with a Linked Friend.
"When the going gets tough, two guns are always better than one." —Cayde-6
1. Duo Dance (reward)
>[b]Lighting the Night[/b]<
-Complete the Weekly Nightfall Strike with a Linked Friend.
"Keep your friends by your side and your weapons loaded." —Cayde-6
[quote]As of today, the Quest isn’t active. More details to come!
Maybe you have a friend who will be getting Destiny as a gift this season. Perhaps their gift-giver will even be picking it up for them at a holiday sale coming to a store near you. If you intend to show them the way to the mountaintop, we’ll have new rewards aimed at recognizing your service to the Kinderguardian. Right now, we’re putting the finishing touches on the program. We’ll unpack the full and final details very soon.[/quote]
-[i]Source: www.PlanetDestiny.com[/i]
Link to article: [url=http://planetdestiny.com/tale-of-two-guardians-quest/]Tale of Two Guardians[/url]
Edit: How to get the Sparrow, emblem, and shader is unknown.
EDIT: This quest will be available on November 23. How it will be activate is still unknown. Bungie will make an official post soon.
I bought Destiny for my girl.. She returned that shit in lest then 4 days. She said to much grind, it's boring, no story... Lol damn not even a new players can enjoy it xD
I just realized that people can make like, new psns and play with other players to get all that stuff, then do the same with the friend
Another all black shader.. really?
I'm white trash and I'm in trouble Looks cool
Now all I need is to convince my friends to like console games. Then I gotta convince them to hash out tons of money on a console. Then I need to get them to buy Destiny with all of the DLCs (levelling). Then I need them to level up. Then have them get on when I am and do a questline for a sparrow. Easy! [spoiler]I do have one friend who casually plays Destiny here and there, but he's PS4 and I'm XB1.[/spoiler]
I would only refer someone I hate to this game
I took a week off from Destiny for work related reasons. Does that mean I permanently missed out on this questline? I have no indicators that it ever existed.
Desticles being unpaid bungie sales reps for worthless digital rewards, sums up destiny in a nutshell.
So long as we can use this item to link with our friends that we've already invited to play the game, I'll be all cool with it. If that's not the case, my jimmies will be so rustled, you'll never be able to tell they were jimmies in the first place
Destiny Refer a Friend A.K.A. The gods of Bungievision need more human sacrifices or our crops won't grow This is pitiful, let's reward you for suckering people into gambling, you know back in Vanilla there was just word of mouth "refer a friend" (how I got most of my active friends on PSN) now its just hollow begging. Here's a reskinned sparrow and an emote, thanks for performing a lobotomy on someone else for us...
Monster Hunter - old
I will not sacrifice a friend for junk that's worse than the stuff I already have -
It's official. Destiny has stooped to the level of a mobile game....microtransactions and asking people to bring in more people. Here's a hint....if you have to reward people to get people to play your game then you know your game is shit.
That Tron Sparrow... Yeah. I gotta kinda have that. Like, I really want it. Like, I Effin', EFFIN', REAL BIG TIME LIKE MOFO'EFFIN' GOTS TA HAVE THAT EFFIN‘ TRON SPARROW. Tron Sparrow. I want that.
This a good idea but what the people who have played destiny with their friends who have the game the same amount of time if not longer we have to miss out on these interactive emotes.
Yeah! More lazy, pointless grinding quests for no point or reason! Go live team!
A perfect plan....get people to pay Bungie for the chance to debug a rushed incomplete game for a year, then once a few of the bugs are found and fixed (thanks suckers) we'll add a micro transaction system for useless stuff (more $), and then sucker them into taking over the marketing for Bungie...brilliant!!!! Rake in millions on the base game, charge a bunch for DLC. rake in more from dance moves, and finally save millions on not paying their own people to debug and market *cue evil laugh*
Yeaaa... I'm buying my cousin destiny now o.O
Edited by The Warrior: 11/19/2015 1:03:59 PMGood I've got about 3 people buying it this holiday season Edit: liked by Mr. Torgue #Winning
Lol and people say destiny isn't dying. Ok then
Its sad how this is how desperate Bungie is becoming in order to get more people after everyone realizing how garbage the game is. I definitely wouldn't refer a friend (of what few i have) to this cancer cell trying to grow.
Edited by Shadow Artiste: 11/19/2015 12:47:19 PMWhat they need to do now is allow you to link Destiny to your FaceBook account so you can harass your FB friends and offer them useless crap like etheric light if they join up.
1. Muted. 2. Why would I let my friends play this PoS?
I feel this is good because my friends will be getting Destiny for Christmas. Or other Holidays... This will have me back on Destiny for that sexy sparrow and so they can enjoy the game. I'll have a raiding team again!
Id rather not lose a friend to this pos