I saw a post similar to this earlier and thought it would be funny. So add "Disney's" to the beginning of any book, game, or movie title and imagine what it would be like if Disney had created it. Also if you want, add "On Ice" to the end of it for some magical mental images. And thanks to Jesusofsuburbia you may now also add "the musical" to the end of your title.
Some examples might be:
•Disney's Fifty Shades of Grey On ice
•Disney's Hatred
[u]Best ones so far[/u]
• Spenkick: Disney's Schindler's List
•KARTTO_: Disney's Human Centipede one ice
•Quartermaster: Disney's Sex tape
•NateGiving: Disney's slut takes huge cock up the ass on ice
•Rloipolie125: Disney's #Offtopic on ice
•Jesusofsuburbia: Disney's Doom the musical
•gamzcontrol5130: Disney's Maze runner on ice
"Turn the corner! Run!"
"I can't! I'm on ice!"
I have faith in you oh mighty Flood, create something wonderful...and have fun!!
[b][u]Edit[/u][/b]: 400 replies! Dang! Im glad you guys find this funny.
[b][u]Edit[/u][/b]: Traffic Cone is here
Disney's Black Jesus...the musical. [spoiler]On ice.[/spoiler]
Haha haha disney's star wars battlfront... Oh wait...
Disney's Mexican cartel snitching
Disney's Avengers age of ultron. Oh wait 😏
Disney's Dark Souls
Disney's Michael Bay
Disney's Brady Bunch
Edited by Octard, Kell of Octard: 11/21/2015 7:12:23 PM[i] Disney's Schlinder's list the musical [/i]
Disneys: saw
Disneys: Virgin gets penetrated by white man
Disney's [i]Call of Duty: Black Ops III[/i] [b]Diamond Edition[/b]
Disney's Sweeney Tod
Previously on disneys the walking dead
Disney's Kamasutra on Ice [spoiler]Wouldn't that be scary as hell[/spoiler]
Edited by Guardian0107: 11/21/2015 12:00:15 AMDisney's Tokyo Ghoul.
Disney's Destiny [spoiler]turns out to be a game bout shooting stuff[/spoiler]
Disney's, DIVERGENT!
Disney's Apocalypse Now
Disney's Star Wars [spoiler];~;[/spoiler]
Disney's, the Boy in the stripped Pajamas.
Disney's Sharknado on Ice
Disney's Mein Kampf
Disney's Mad Max
disney's walking dead featuring elsa and that ginger one
disney's dictator
disney's sex tape