[b][u]GRAMMAR[/u][/b] the difference between
Knowing your shit
Knowing you're shit.
[b]PUNCTUATION SAVES LIVES [/b] Let's eat Grandma. Let's eat, Grandma.
Ha ha ah ha. [b][/b]
Please don't hurt me, but it should be [quote][b][u]GRAMMAR-[/u][/b] the difference between:[/quote] Punctuation needs some love too.
[quote][b][u]GRAMMAR[/u][/b] the difference between Knowing your shit And Knowing you're shit.[/quote]
This is genius on so many level. No, this is genius on every level.
I wish I could take credit for it, sadly it's just something I've heard. Lol.
It often is on the internet but thank you very much for sharing
[quote][b][u]GRAMMAR[/u][/b] the difference between Helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse And Helping your uncle jack off a horse. [/quote] Fix'd
[quote][quote][b][u]GRAMMAR[/u][/b] the difference between Lets eat, grandma! And Lets eat grandma! Fix'd[/quote]
[quote][quote][quote][b][u]GRAMMAR[/u][/b] the difference between Lets eat out, grandma! And Lets eat out grandma! Fix'd[/quote][/quote] Fix'd again
Lmao nice
Pure gold
That joke is lost on these forums
For some maybe, but most people will get it.
Good one
Lol yes!
Monster Hunter - old
You're=You are Lmao -