Well i am bored now .. haven't played on my ps4 for like 2 or 3 weeks now
Missing a lot of games
So Tell me a joke :)
Edit: humph didn't expect this many responses .. there are great ones and a couple of bad ones with a hint of idiot ones
Heres one. Trolling others on forums without beating hard oryx
Haha so what's up with them sunbreakers huh? XD
your life
Edited by Gav: 11/15/2015 9:56:12 PMHow many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? [spoiler]None, because they can't change anything.[/spoiler]
Edited by DINO DELUSIONAL: 11/16/2015 2:12:17 AMTwo fish are in a tank. One is driving the other is shooting. Two soldiers are in a tank. They both drown. Another one is. A man walks into a bar with a cheese sandwich. The bartender asks what they wanted. A pint of guiness for me and the sandwich the man asks. Sorry the bartender says. We dont serve food here
My KD ratio
Knock knock. ---- hairflip
Wanna joke? Check my K/D [spoiler] :( [/spoiler]
Want a really good joke, go play Destiny, the whole game is a joke
A kid ran into the kitchen because he saw his mom was making cookies. The kid says "mommy, mommy, can I lick the bowl"? The mother says... "No son, you have to flush like everyone else".
Why did the chicken cross the road [spoiler]to get to the idiot's house[/spoiler] Knock Knock Who's there [spoiler]The chicken.[/spoiler]
What the difference between a freezer full of infant heads and a Ferrari [spoiler]i don't have a Ferrari in my garage[/spoiler]
Edited by balazra: 11/16/2015 1:06:14 AMIf you need to laugh... Go to Amazon.com Search "Veet for men." Read reviews... (Most helpful)
What do you call an angry clock? [spoiler]TICKED OFF[/spoiler] I'll see myself out now
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill[spoiler]to get the bottom[/spoiler]
Edited by pandaXpress007: 11/16/2015 1:21:42 AM[b] [/b]
What is brown and sticky [spoiler]a stick[/spoiler]
Edited by Deleted: 11/15/2015 8:22:14 PM[spoiler]your son dies and your dog is the villain in Star Wars battlefront 3[/spoiler]
Two fish are in a tank. One fish says to the other fish, [spoiler]you drive, I'll man the guns.[/spoiler]
Why's the difference between jelly and jam? [spoiler]you can't jelly your dong into a girls booty[/spoiler]
A duck walks in to a bar and the bar tender says what will it be. The duck does not respond, [spoiler]cause it's a duck[/spoiler]
Edited by Bubonicsac: 11/15/2015 11:42:55 PMWhat do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe?[spoiler]Roberto[/spoiler]
Id tell you the joke about the pencil but theres no point