[quote]My god man year one is over move on... [/quote]
It's not a [i]new game[/i]. Stop saying "Year 2" like it means anything; because it [b]doesn't[/b]. TTK is DLC #4 for [i]the same game.[/i]
Its no different than saying "Dark Below is DLC 2, Vanilla is over, move on!" (See how stupid that sounds?)
It's about moving forward. You know how stupid you sound begging for year one weapons to be brought forward like the sooner you move on the better time you will have. I agree having elemental primaries again would be awesome but I'm not one of the game designers do I don't make that call.
[quote]It's about moving forward.[/quote] Yeah, and TTK took a massive step [i]backwards[/i]. Everyone talks about "diversity," and needing a "fresh experience," right? Well, funny enough, out of the possible 370+ Legendary weapons in the game, TTK only lets players use ~60 of them... and many of them are simply reskins of [i]existing Year 1 weapons[/i]. If you're looking for "diversity" and "new" content, TTK is the exact opposite.
TTK was a little underwhelming yea but again we don't make the call on things so really no point bitching IMO
[quote] we don't make the call on things so really no point bitching[/quote] Etheric Light was introduced in HoW [i]because[/i] we "bitched" about gear validation in TDB. So, sorry, but there is [i]absolutely[/i] a point in bitching, and I have the history to prove it. :P [quote]Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/2014: "In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. [u][b]The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete.[/b][/u] Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: [u][b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected[/b][/u]."[/quote]
Honestly not really like you said the introduced it in HOW and then did not bring it forward so that should tell you something right