Post Airsoft!
Anyone going to any games this weekend?
No paintballers allowed
Honestly BB gun wars are the best
Don't airsoft anymore, still have my guns though.
Did air soft once... It sucked compared to paintball
Lol airsoft players are like the third string kickers of the world... You afraid to get a welt little guy? Instead you just gunna say "ouch this stings. I got stung by a bee once and this stings even more"
I would be playing airsoft more but I tore my ACL twice this year playing soccer. Hopefully I can get back to play some this winter
I have purchased 250$ worth of airsoft equipment and have yet to use it
Bramd - old
Airsoft. -
My granddad has an air rifle... (._. )
Edited by Sleepy: 11/14/2015 1:27:42 AMI live in Australia, they're illegal :( Yet you can own a small fire arm for hunting purposes, and keep it, and sneak it out somewhere. Thanks government.
Nerf is the best
I have a couple of KWAs along with the rest of my family. As often as we can, we play with some friends in our 22 acres of woods. I'm also a part of a group of guys that play at various places, including indoor when we can.
Dang it i guess i have to leave....
I have one airsoft gun. It's dope as hell
I've only paintballed and re-balled.