By six rockets, i meant team members. Ghorn x 6 is insane. Ive been there. Ghorn x3 would even put skolas down kn minutes. Its a crutch that needs to dissappear. Its the only exptic that i could say is an amazing exotic, yes. But its uneccesary to make a game that easy.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that Ghorn was [i]too[/i] powerful. I almost never used it because it felt cheap, and I didn't like how so many players felt like they [i]needed[/i] to use it once they had it. Just so you know where I'm coming from. :P However, like I said, it was [i]substantially nerfed[/i] in the 2.0 patch (by roughly1/3rd), so even if it still hits harder than other launchers, it doesn't hit [i]astronomically[/i] harder. As such, it wouldn't be [b]game-breaking[/b], like it was, before. Essentially, what I'm saying that, while I agree that there shouldn't be [i][b]A[/b][/i] go-to weapon for PvE (which Ghorn was), there's nothing wrong with simply having an Exotic that hits a little harder than anything else (which all that Ghorn is [i]now[/i], and is what every other Exotic [i]already[/i] is, more or less). No?
No, ghorn never needed to exist. There shouldnt be anything like it. There shouldnt be something as easy to get and equip to completely nerf the entire game. Regardless of the less dmg it has now. Multiply it by 6. Then add every single booster you have when playing the current raid. Oryxs ad spawns. Sisters aruora Golgoroths pool War priest glyph buff Totems tactics. Any one of these situations, are easily done with admirable tActics. But to add the ghorn, it would almost make the tactics obselete. I play this game for the puzzles, not to beat it and immediately have the satisfaction of destroying something a good amount of people created. I play for the challenge. When ghorn was around, there was no challenge. Espicially when they added etheric light, they said it would be a little more difficult to upgrade exotics. When in reality, exotics were the first thing you were able to upgrade right off the update. When i had a ghorn, i would run fatebringer(arc dmg) pradeyths rvg(void dmg) and then of course ghorn (solar dmg) That combination is unstoppable. You cant put anythin agAnist me with out the single player having an advantage. Then multiply it by 6. Because often in LFG, if you had the ghorn. You were pretty much part of a high numbered of an elite group of players. It made finding the key to a door obselete when you could just blast it apart and search for it in the rubble to keep and show all your friends, while only playing with other players who had done the same thing. I welcome the challenge, but rarely spoil in the rewards. Ghorn was halloween candy that was delivered to your door. When do you tell them you have enough? And if you do, how do you get them to stop?
This applys too all exotics, i believe they should have a slight nudge or two which makes them valuable, but nothing to make them NEEDED. Which ghorn was never needed, but people made it seem as such when facing harder challenges.
But, what's different in Y2? Instead of FB and Ghorn, you have Hung Jury and Sleeper Stimulant. Again, these aren't [i]needed[/i] (and neither was Ghorn, by your admission), but no matter what, players will [i]always go to to what they perceive to be the "best" gear[/i]. Whether it's 10% better, or 50% better, the playerbase will ultimately flock to it; it's unavoidable. :P I get what your saying, and I largely agree with you, I just think that leaving weapons like Ghorn behind doesn't actually do anything to [i]solve[/i] the overall issue. Does that make sense?