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11/9/2015 8:40:48 PM

Why is no one talking about this

Ok bit of a rant I have to get out after today's destiny session. [/rant] Why the holy halo of 60's batman can't I get better weapons/armour in this game. In both dlcs (download able content) I could play and earn good legendary items just by playing. (Unfortunately I lost that account to the sand of time due to a f#@! Up of mine) I didn't NEED to spend £40 just to get good items, I feel like the game is shunting me to the side and saying I can't play with the new toys, I'm stuck with the old gear that isn't as good as the new items. TTK is a PAY WALL and a big problem that no one is talking about , just go round and look at all the items that people who don't have TTK have access to... you can count them all on the fingers of a retired bomb disposal expert. The vendors are; Xur to a extent, Amanda holiday and the.... crucible quartermaster (but even that sell items for legendary marks). What I'm getting at is where is the items for the people that don't have TTK, all bungie has to do is add some vendors that sell year one legendary items, they could even bring back old weapons albeit with a extra features that distinguish it between the original and the new. I may sound petti that my problems font effect you, but don't ignore it, please I ask you to voice your distaste of gating people of this badly, gating off so much content that unless you pay you can't get anything. Remember that. [/endrant] If you're reading this thanks for taking your time to do that as it is quite long.
#Destiny #Pay #wall

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  • I have to agree with the others if you dont pay you shouldnt get for free but i do agree you guys have been fcked over in the sense that you cant do certain things i dont understand why they couldnt keep you guys on a specific server with access to all the year 1 content like nightfalls etc

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