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Edited by BeejThePelican: 11/12/2015 1:04:06 AM

Bungie, Can You Explain The "Missing Exotic Armor"

And I don't want to hear "It was content we had made but cut out" because a few lucky people got the "Twilight Garrison" and "ATS Tarantella" and they are fully functioning, So tell us if we can even get them through special means, or at all at least. I along with loads of other people want answers. And while we are on the topic of exotic armor, What about all the year 1 armor? In the armory each one has a year 2 variant, Some even have new perks, For example. The Apothiosis Veil's New effect is "Instant Heath, Melee And Grenade regeneration upon super usage" (I'm paraphrasing but still) It's old effect you only gained heath regen when super was cast. when do we get those exotics? Please Bump So They Might See This, Or post your own post similar to this, I don't care which.

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  • There are 3 missing per class There are 3 challenge modes to King's Fall Each boss has an exotic piece corresponding to it. Maximizes grind and keeps players playing.

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  • There is no missing content, it has not been released yet. you did not ever pay to have full access to everything exactly when YOU wanted it ever. It is all being time gate released when bungie decides too.. not when YOU or anyone else wants them too and never will be either.

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    26 Replies
    • Did they officially release it? Did they show us hey look at these new things on that Xur taking over instagram thing? Did they give us a list of the exotics in TTK? No. They were datamined.

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      7 Replies
      • My theory is some of the year 1 TTK upgrades are items that Xur will sell because remember Skull of Dire Ahamkara?

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      • Bump, because I want the Astrocyte.

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      • Edited by Sour Diesel: 11/10/2015 4:55:21 PM
        This is another thing that has me irritated with bungie right now. No communication. No information about questions that the community has. And if they do communicate it's cryptic messages on Twitter. Or dismissive bullshit like Deejs weekly update. They pulled the same shit with 347 vesta dynasty. Just left us wondering and then it showed up in taken King as Boolean Gemini. This stonewall/vow of silence shit is really annoying.

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        24 Replies
        • Edited by skreemer: 11/19/2015 3:20:44 AM

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          • They don't have time to explain why they have no time to explain

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          • I'm sorry. I could care less about this. I'm still pissed that if I want my y1 ATS8/TARANTULA or my y1 Don't Touch Me's, I have to get them in a drop again. I had all exotic armours and weapons minus Dreg's Promise and Necro and those two didn't transition for whatever reason

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            4 Replies
            • Only a couple possibilities. 1. There is some trigger to get them that we haven't found. Like the black spindle or the No Time to Explain. 2. They are time gated and awaiting release. 3. They were intended to be implemented and they didn't completely have worked out how they wanted to at TTK release and they are either waiting for the right time or are finalizing how they will be received. Opinion time: 1. Not likely. 2. A little more likely. 3. Most likely.

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              5 Replies
              • They're going to give them to us later then act like we should be grateful for them at all. Even though they were in the armory as part of TTK bungie has it's own "Logic" (I use the term very loosely) about releases and promises. Basically they'll do and say whatever to sell this shit and we should be happy if it has a 1/2 of what they showed.

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              • Edited by Syn Athde: 11/19/2015 2:16:10 AM
                We could... [spoiler]But, we're not going to.[/spoiler] [spoiler] :( Sad Face :( [/spoiler] [spoiler]Sorry.[/spoiler] [spoiler]OK, OK.[/spoiler] [spoiler] {Random insider. Insert whomever you like.} [b]Warning run-on sentences to follow in the interest that it amuses myself and possibly you for purposes of lame humor.[/b] ****Big intake of breath. Unlike an mmo that can sustain more than 20 players on a server and has an expansive explorable region for you to wander in and waste your time while we figure out how to make new content fast enough to satisfy our contract with Activision. ****A deep deep breath and spoken at a faster pace. We needed to create a buffer between your player content access and your current content by inflating your playtime to keep you interested in continued play to justify our budget so that we can ignore most of the main issues by using that time to figure out how to fix the main issues plaguing said content by the next update then realize we need more time. -Bent over a desk and banging a fist on said desk while grasping for breath, heavily. Therefore, we release a hard to get or tedious item upon your face to make you forget how much that it hurt for you to bend over the first time. Laying on the floor. Raises a shaky hand. Points at you. We good?!? Sharp extension of a hand into an spot on Thumbs Up sign from the exhausted insider. Good. [/spoiler]

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              • Oh wow, I have been waiting to rant about this for so long, get ready, because I'm about to breakdown the rant of all rants, something some scientists have termed, a super rant. Oh man, I hope you guys are ready for this, because scholars might ask you how this rant started and you will be the first witnesses to it's greatness that I am about to drop any second now, I can't believe the things I'm about to say, it is epic beyond epicness, take a seat because it's about to go down, and here.......we.......go......Ahhhhh, forget it.

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              • Wouldnt be surprised if they release a "Winters Fury" (random name) dlc in December that contains the rest of exotics and some y1's. Has holidays event, challenge modes, couple other bells and whistles free of charge. Basically the rest of TTK dlc but try and generate Christmas sales and recruit a friend.

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              • They don't want to dump it out on us all at once. That would be boring. They want to spread it out so we're not overwhelmed, and the darker side is so they can keep us playing the game longer. I think it's a good strategy, because hearing about a new exotic being thrown into the mix is cool.

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                5 Replies
                • Best answer they can give you is: This is there game they can do what they want cut what they want and don't need your permission to do so. My answer is maybe it's gonna release with the next difficulty of the raid if that's all true

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                • I love how everyone is whining and complaining about this. I mean seriously it's not that bad. They have been smart about this DLC from a business stand point, and I applaud them. Well done bungie.

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                  1 Reply
                  • I can there are other games out so they are waiting for those games' hype to die down then they will give us the items so people will play

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                  • Edited by wraithUNDEAD: 11/17/2015 3:07:50 AM
                    For all of the stuff that is in the kiosk for the armor, i sure have gotten the crest of alpha lupi, a lot. So, i guess i agree

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                  • "We were going to release all the exotics at launch, but then we decided it would be better to make the special ones have quests. Sorry it took so long."

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                    1 Reply
                    • Bump. what if what makes the twilight Garrison and the ATS Tarantella so exotic is if there are only three available across the entire game.

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                    • 2

                      Monster Hunter - old

                      "We want to keep the game fresh" "There was a bug where it let you get the armor you wanted, so we'll patch that as soon as we can so we can time gate these exotics when you get desperately bored, and maybe charge silver for it. :D"

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                    • 1
                      "So we can keep the game fresh"

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                      • Probably were timegated to "extend the enjoyment".

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                      • Dont worry guys... A bit tune ups and changes to iron banner will fix all your issues and complaints.. Move along now grasshoppers.

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                      • Feedback That's the place you are wanting Feedback

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