I'm sorry but those "12 year olds" would be the ones sensitive about that topic taking the approach "he's talking down to me".
You speak the words of a fool. Any respectable adult, or person with any form of maturity can see the wit and charm behind those comments, laughter at the poke and risk taking knowing full well how this "innocent" community goes.
These children you speak of always, nearly always have mature prospectives on life and have real life problems, goals and the like to feel stress or insulted from a complete stranger whom they will probably never meet for a video game hobby they enjoy.
God forbid one person, new to the game or not agrees with bungie. Automatically discriminated as a fan boy and a twelve year old like you just displayed.
Edited by XxTwentySevenxX: 11/7/2015 6:01:40 PMLol I was complementing OP for having the guts to post despite the fact that someone would (and did) call him a no balls loser, your post is irrelevant bc I can't tell if you are agains the OP or the 12 yo because you have poor grammar and aren't funny. Which makes me think you are said 12 year...don't worry in a few years girls will notice your balls to lol
Well if I'm the kid and you are the mature one, you seem to spend more of you "grown" time insulting and in my case belittling "kids". I mean if you get off on messing with kids then.... But you set a gold standard there. Something for many to look forward to when they reach your level. Where we can waste outlives and be losers aswell. Pat on the back.
I was going to keep poking at you to invoke responses but fallout is calling...so in short caring this much about my supposed to be funny comment just means you are in the group being made fun of or you wouldn't care this much. I hope everyone is as successful as I have been my life is great, I work in the customer relations department of a fortune 500 company, and we would never ignore this many clients being this upset, so I feel secure knowing that my opinion was based off of years of study and research that developed into a double social science major and business minor with nearly a perfect 4.0 ...yours is based on you being butthurt about lacking testicles
Too long to read pedo. Don't really care what you have to say. Cheers mate.
"Wit and charm" lol I can't even. I had to stop reading there.