Combine Chuck Norris facts with Destiny.
Chuck Norris does not use infusion. He just roundhouse kicks the gears in the materials and they are automatically turned into 330 exotic.
In the jumping puzzle to Oryx, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the dildo back into the wall. He also walks to the chest room because the path is laid before him.
Fire away!
The warpriest has to prove he's worth to chuck norris
Chuck norris forged the forge on which sunbreakers forge their hammer
Chuck Norris doesn't double jump the ground fears him so it pulls away twice
Edited by Oddish43: 11/7/2015 7:06:21 PMChuck Norris glared at the Fallen. They immediately packed up and left the Solar System. They are still running. Chuck Norris approached the Hive. He picked up a Thrall by the leg and beat the rest of the Hive to death with it. Chuck Norris belched in front of the Vex. The resulting shockwave sent a massive cascade failure through their systems, obliterating their species. Chuck Norris walked up to the Cabal. He didn't raise a fist or fire a shot. He didn't have to. They immediately declared him their new Emperor. Now they're known as the Chuckabal. Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the Dreadnought. It's orbiting Uranus now. Oryx promised to give back everything he had Taken if Chuck didn't do that again. Chuck Norris showed up at the Tower. Immediately, every Guardian was laid off because no one needs Guardians when you've got Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris walked into Bungie to try to fix their stupid servers. Alas, there are some things that even Chuck Norris can't do.
Rasputin triggered the collapse to keep the Darkness safe from Chuck Norris.
When Chuck Norris uses the touch of malice, it kills itself instead of him.
When Chuck Norris gets hit by a Phalanx, the Phalanx gets killed by the architects.
The Stranger encountered Chuck Norris... She had time to explain. A Taken Phalanx shield bumped Chuck Norris... It's in orbit now. Chuck Norris is the only game that CAN ACTUALLY kill Destiny. Chuck Norris was able to bring unity to but only for a minute.
Chuck Norris is the reason Variks says kill them dead.[spoiler]he killed them so much they had no choice but to come back to life[/spoiler]
Rahool gave Chuck Norris three exotics for a white engram in week 1. Sunbreakers were originally called Chuck Breakers in an attempt to keep Chuck from dominating Crucible. The name was changed after every hammer was kicked back to its sender. Chuck Norris calls Hard Mode adorable. The only time Chuck Norris wiped in a raid was because Crota's bow wasn't sincere enough, so he wanted to beat him repeatedly until he learned his place. The Hellmouth was created when Chuck tried peeing his name onto the moon. Chuck Norris has never been blink-shotgunned. Ever.
Oryx does not look for the bogeyman when he goes to bed he checks for chuck norris
Chuck Norris had testicular cancer and had to have one removed. It went on a grand journey and now the people of earth know it as The Traveler.
So many bad ones here.
Chuck norris once flushed his condom,septembre 14 randal the vandal was born
I watched Chuck Norris kill Xylar with an emote. Boo. He then proceeded to rip off its ass and wear it like a hat.
Chuck norris does not need a stealth drive to go the dreadnaught he simply flew in with his ship. the taken took 1 look at him and retreated
Oryx calls upon Chuck Norris when he opens his chest
Chuck Norris soloed the black Spindle quest, with the Black Spindle. And. Never. Had. To. Reload.
Chuck Norris does one arm push ups while under weight of darkness X 10
Chuck Norris once killed someone. With a headshot. Across the map. With a sidearm. Through a wall. While in a Titan bubble. Didn't even have a sidearm equipped. Was actually a roundhouse kick. Death. Now.
Edited by SwankyButters: 11/7/2015 8:09:26 AMRedacted ..... cause Chuck told me to.
Edited by Starwolf444: 11/7/2015 4:30:38 AMGuardians hope for gjallarhorn to drop. Gjallarhorn hopes for chuck Norris to drop. (You'll understand this if you're year one)
Chuck Norris kills Oryx with Doxology.
Chuck Norris didn't find Oryx worthy. He was tired though, so he told 6 suckers to go kill Oryx for him.
Chuck Norris was once in the game... He was a raid
Monster Hunter - old
Chuck Norris Found Taniks Lost House.