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Edited by AmBiiTioN-: 11/6/2015 4:20:12 PM

Passive aggressive inappropriate tone from Deej and other Bungie employees

Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. Just look at todays weekly update and the extremely snarky and sarcastic comments from Deej such as "omg he only has 1600 weapon parts left we need to do something" and "we hold the right to do anything with the game economy we want." Does anyone else think snarky comments like this are very unprofessional? Like Bungie you act like your some sort of hero for fixing a problem that YOU created. Here is a comment from another post that explains my thoughts perfectly, all credit goes to user Wahrnye "Just another joke of a weekly update that makes it easier to not look back on this game going forward. Announcing the weapon parts change - Fine, but that's a fix to a problem THEY created. And when addressing the fact that THEY created this problem, DeeJ wraps it up in unnecessary snark about being curators of THEIR living world. Hubris to the highest degree; it's almost as if they're saying how dare we question their choices? Let me say this next part slowly so the apologists can understand: [i][u]Etheric Light and Wormspore uses should have been in the game since September's launch, not something coming soon by December.[/u][/i] They knew Etheric Light was a thing that many people had plenty of and they also introduced Wormspore (apparently) without any regard for what to do with it outside a few weapon upgrades. IIt's going to take them almost 3 months to finally make these things meaningful? These are all issues they created by poor planning or bad oversight, not something they should be praised for fixing AFTER the fact. The rest of the entire update was about the same tired PVP bullshit as almost every other weekly update. No news on new content, no commenting on the terrible loot system - especially in regards to raid drops (I love doing the raid and getting a fourth duplicate item at 302 light... ) - or the fact that Nightfalls, Strikes, and Court of Oryx ceases being rewarding once you reach 300 light or more. I've seen this playbook before. Between this and Activision spouting off their easily manipulated "registered user" numbers (aka 'investor math'), they've pretty much already decided they're going to pander to the base players who believe Bungie can never, ever, do any wrong. Nothing will change going forward. Bungie and Activision are living in their own echo chamber - as evidenced by the fact that they spend more time conversing with the "community" on Bungie-friendly outlets like Reddit and Twitter..." EDIT: A lot of you seem to think im just looking for something to be offended by cuz im a "no balls toxic loser" Its more im just fed up with the bullshit direction this game is taking like timegating exotics that i already payed for to extend gameplay time and patching things like weapon parts for no -blam!-ing reason Perhaps the most irritating thing is the bungie fanboys and dickriders who will stop at nothing to defend everything the devs do to this game and every word that comes out of that douchebag known as Deej's mouth. Go ahead meet me with ninja justice for stating the obvious about your shit company and bottomfeeder fanboys EDIT2 It seems the common defense for Deejs tone is "oh bungie has to go through so much shit and complaining on the forums, people are meanies" You people cant seriously believe its ok for a company to retaliate in this fashion. Oh no a game developer has to see negative feedback about the game they made wahh wahh prayers for bungie" All of you are saying "can the entitled/offended generation go away", if you ask me the people defending bungie with this mindset are the "offended generation." Some of you say, "The customer is always right bullshit has to stop." Anyone who utters this is a complete moron and has either no concept of business ethics or is 15 years old and thinks they are being righteous and hip. Go ahead, start a business and whenever a customer has a problem with you or the product, tell them to -blam!- OFF. Yea thats a good business model, you will surely succeed.

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  • Bump and all true.

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  • The only PROFESSIONAL thing about bungievision is their bank account.

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  • I was farming strange coin today (strange coins have been dropping like useful raid gear for me the last few weeks) when I thought to myself "wtf am I doing? I could be disarming a nuke to get a house right now" I started a 3rd New game on fallout 3 in anticipation of fallout 4 and it still feels more rewarding, with all of its buggy jerky animation glory, than destiny does right now. I feel like bungie is nerfing random stuff just to laugh at us struggle. I'm going to have to put my foot (or rather my wallet) down after this last bit of snide remarks towards the player base, did anyone see the one that was posted as a reply on a weapons parts shortage thread that said we needed to wait on deej to say something if we wanted to talk to someone with actual social skills? I hereby refuse to give this game one more penny unless they maintain an outstanding performance record for the next 6 months, I'm putting destiny on probation...if after a 6 month period you haven't improved I'm afraid I'm going to have to terminate our contract.there is nothing like being 314 and receiving a less than 300 ghost shell from the of the 2 blues I got from the boss decrypted higher and that was literally everything I got for that nightfall...I'm guaranteed those rewards already for the first 3 times I do vanguard heroic strikes, how does that make sense? I for one am not going to be assuming the position, I think it may be time for bungie to pull that proverbial unicorn out of their ass, because to be honest with all the other new game coming out destiny is slowly sinking right now.

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  • >Calls Deej a douchebag >tone polices cheesy jokes Ok buddy

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  • I thought the same things. All of it especially the planning.

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  • Wait... So spinmetal/relic iron/helium filaments/spirit bloom all have uses outside of upgrades..? Huh.

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  • Edited by M3NAC3 360: 11/6/2015 5:04:29 PM
    I just read the weekly update, and I am not really seeing this passive aggressive tone. The 1600 weapon parts part was obviously an attempt at humour, and a successful one at that. As for the rest of the comment, he is just informing us that they hold the right to tinker with the game in any way they see fit, but they also have a right to change their mind should their original opinion turn out to be wrong. If anything, it was ownership of a mistake. They made a change that they thought was in the best interest of the game and now they are accepting and admitting they were wrong. Some of you need to chill out a bit. What is the point of companies engaging with the community if all they are going to get is over-reactions and emotional misjudgements? To be honest, with the way this community conducts itself, I am surprised Deej hasn't told you all to go -blam!- yourselves.

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    73 Replies
    • There's just not that much content in the game. They've had plenty of time to change it now, so I can only assume this is the way they want it. Perhaps for the silent majority, there is enough content, enough loot. So they don't need to change it. What's the point of knocking yourself out for the last 5% when the other 95% are happy?

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    • Currently, wormspore is just as useful as the other mats, so any complaints on that are null. As for their snarkiness, take a joke. Also having to put up with you stupid twats as a community is tough on them I'm sure, give them a break.

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    • All money grabbing fuk bags with shit attitudes but the fan boys will always defend them and this worn out dull game

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      5 Replies
      • The reason why Destiny is still alive is that the PS4 gamers do not have access to new games ... Also the reason they defend Destiny, the second reason is that people do not have the courage to admit that Bungie have screwed them with their lies...

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      • 1
        Guessing you haven't been following bungie for long lmao

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      • I definitely caught that passive aggressive tone out from there. If you have 1600 weapon parts you: A) are a casual veteran (not saying this in a derogatory manner) who doesn't do a lot of infusing B) didn't play HoW when reforging weapons was a thing to chomp down a mountain of weapon parts The parts shortage on affects their hardcore user base which is technically who they should be pandering to. I honestly don't understand their logic to even make us have to buy the parts. Just reverse the drop rate back to its original state at least. #DeejFilthyCasual #PaidPuppet

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        4 Replies
        • 'We hold the right do anything with the economy that we want' Yeah, empty words. You wouldn't dare go as far as you [i]want[/i] to, because just in case you didn't learn anything from the TTK collector's edition backlash, when the player base all comes together to call you out, they make you their bitch.

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        • TLDR, the stoopid is strong in this one. Muted

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          3 Replies
          • I agree with you 100%!

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          • Edited by Cheesy_Quesadila: 11/7/2015 9:50:58 AM
            Deej still doesn't have a thunder lord

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          • Deej is currently burning money as he smokes a cigar and drinks a fine scotch while listening to classical music. And here we are complaining about weapon parts in all of our misery

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            1 Reply
            • Their game, their rules. You're just a volunteered participant. Don't like it? Vote with your dollar and support something else. It's how great kingdoms of the past have fallen. Bungie and Activision are no different.

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            • I'm actually not too worried about the patches and constant need to fix things. I accepted a long time ago that Destiny was hacked to pieces and glued back haphazardly to meet the launch deadline. A -blam!- up that huge takes months and months to fix. Especially since they have to try and shoe horn in content that makes some sense in a game with no actual direction. The game is fun to play, really, it is. I've obviously enjoyed it, look at my playtime. But a massive achievement it is not. Certainly not the "Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars"esque masterpiece they initially claimed they were going for.

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            • They said they always listen and players help build the game. Some people go overboard in the comments but the tone of the update was bad. As for entitlement, free updates are not free. Everything added to the game is to keep player numbers up to ensure good sales for future dlc and/or Destiny 2. There are a huge amount of good games being released in the coming weeks and Bungie would be wise to keep everyone sweet until the next paid dlc.

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            • Certain Bungie employees do seem tone deaf, can't pick up on social cues, and they spout out the first thing that comes to their mind, even if it is insensitive, mean, or stupid. Sounds like a disorder to me. Either way, they need to step up their game, because Halo 5, BO3, Battlefront, and Fallout 4 are here. Not much competition last year, so they could act like giant d bags if they wanted.

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            • [quote]Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. Just look at todays weekly update and the extremely snarky and sarcastic comments from Deej such as "omg he only has 1600 weapon parts left we need to do something" and "we hold the right to do anything with the game economy we want." Does anyone else think snarky comments like this are very unprofessional? Like Bungie you act like your some sort of hero for fixing a problem that YOU created. Here is a comment from another post that explains my thoughts perfectly, all credit goes to user Wahrnye "Just another joke of a weekly update that makes it easier to not look back on this game going forward. Announcing the weapon parts change - Fine, but that's a fix to a problem THEY created. And when addressing the fact that THEY created this problem, DeeJ wraps it up in unnecessary snark about being curators of THEIR living world. Hubris to the highest degree; it's almost as if they're saying how dare we question their choices? Let me say this next part slowly so the apologists can understand: [i][u]Etheric Light and Wormspore uses should have been in the game since September's launch, not something coming soon by December.[/u][/i] They knew Etheric Light was a thing that many people had plenty of and they also introduced Wormspore (apparently) without any regard for what to do with it outside a few weapon upgrades. IIt's going to take them almost 3 months to finally make these things meaningful? These are all issues they created by poor planning or bad oversight, not something they should be praised for fixing AFTER the fact. The rest of the entire update was about the same tired PVP bullshit as almost every other weekly update. No news on new content, no commenting on the terrible loot system - especially in regards to raid drops (I love doing the raid and getting a fourth duplicate item at 302 light... ) - or the fact that Nightfalls, Strikes, and Court of Oryx ceases being rewarding once you reach 300 light or more. I've seen this playbook before. Between this and Activision spouting off their easily manipulated "registered user" numbers (aka 'investor math'), they've pretty much already decided they're going to pander to the base players who believe Bungie can never, ever, do any wrong. Nothing will change going forward. Bungie and Activision are living in their own echo chamber - as evidenced by the fact that they spend more time conversing with the "community" on Bungie-friendly outlets like Reddit and Twitter..." EDIT: A lot of you seem to think im just looking for something to be offended by cuz im a "no balls toxic loser" Its more im just fed up with the bullshit direction this game is taking like timegating exotics that i already payed for to extend gameplay time and patching things like weapon parts for no -blam!-ing reason Perhaps the most irritating thing is the bungie fanboys and dickriders who will stop at nothing to defend everything the devs do to this game and every word that comes out of that douchebag known as Deej's mouth. Go ahead meet me with ninja justice for stating the obvious about your shit company and bottomfeeder fanboys EDIT2 It seems the common defense for Deejs tone is "oh bungie has to go through so much shit and complaining on the forums, people are meanies" You people cant seriously believe its ok for a company to retaliate in this fashion. Oh no a game developer has to see negative feedback about the game they made wahh wahh prayers for bungie" All of you are saying "can the entitled/offended generation go away", if you ask me the people defending bungie with this mindset are the "offended generation." Some of you say, "The customer is always right bullshit has to stop." Anyone who utters this is a complete moron and has either no concept of business ethics or is 15 years old and thinks they are being righteous and hip. Go ahead, start a business and whenever a customer has a problem with you or the product, tell them to -blam!- OFF. Yea thats a good business model, you will surely succeed.[/quote] Well what they did is notice a lot of people had a sh*t load of weapons parts just prior to TTK's release,due to the fact that everyone had already maxed out there most usefull weapons thus having NO use for them...kinda like the weapons are now useless. So they got the stupid ass idea that these said parts were going to last forever, him saying he still has over a 1000k parts left just proves he knows f*ck all about the game and probably only maintains 1 I agree with you :) I am struggling seriously for weapons parts, but as I have said before it's just a tactic to keep you playing & slow you down.

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            • This is what you call "politically correct" and it's cancer

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            • No, the customer isn't always right. In most cases (at best), they're just trying to get something for nothing. Or they're just batshit and abusing the mindless pandering corporate policies for their particular mental illness. It sounds like you haven't worked with the general public very much.

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            • Where the tl:dr?

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