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Edited by irishfreak: 11/4/2015 9:07:56 AM


It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]! [spoiler]IT'S INEVITABLE THAT YOU'LL BE NERFED VERY SHORTLY. BECAUSE THIS IS -blam!-ING BS. [/spoiler]

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  • Arrr Ya ready, scrubs? Aye, Aye, Bungie!!! I can't heeeeeeaaar yoooouuuu!!! AYE, AYE, BUNGIE!!! Oooooohhhhhh.... Who lives in the raid area under the reef? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! If useless materials are something you wish... Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Then join mid-raid, and whine like a b*tch! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants, Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants, SpongeBooosssssss NerfPaaaaaaaaants! .........And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what biologists call a "scrub". They are most commonly known for their ability to cry loudly. They are often found on the forums, trolling to get their favorite food, simply known as "attention". They thoroughly enjoy crying for nerfs, and then crying about the consequences of the nerf after the fact. This one seems unusually stupid, however. Unusually stupid scrubs commonly attack anything that disagrees with them verbally, but physically left alone. Regardless, please keep your hands, feet, arms and legs inside the tour bus at all time. Continuing onward, I believe I see the common "hater" just a short distance ahead...... ............................................................................ "Dear Bungie, Rock is over powered, paper is fine." -Sincerely Scissors

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