Looking for a group to raid with consistently - XB1
Title says it all - I need to find a group of adults that raid regularly. I started a clan when destiny first came out and then lost about half of my group.
I currently play with 1-2 guys from my old clan and it would be awesome to link up with some dudes that know the raid mechanics and play regularly. I am on usually everyday for at least an hour or 2 (depends on my gf...).
I am not trying to be lame but I am good and have a lot of the exotics in year 2 that are available. I am also down to do PvP as well - just have not found a group that likes to do multiplayer like that.
Anyway - if there are any adult guardians out there that are good and like to raid please hit me up. I am just tired of wasting time with LFG. I have no problem sherpa'ing people through the raid but not when I am trying to get things done.
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT 1: Guys - this is awesome! So far there has been about 8-10 guys expressing interest in just getting together to raid on a consistent basis.
Please remember that we can all use this specific thread to keep in touch and get raids/events going. We obviously cant have 10 dudes playing at once but keep chiming in and adding friends because we all know there will be plenty of times when you need 1,2,3 more for a raid and LFG is just a kick in the nuts. If is likely I won't be able to link up with everyone tonight but I play regularly enough that having you guys on my friends list will lead to plenty of invites to raids or just messing around doing missions etc.
EDIT 2: Hey dudes - I work pretty long days and don't get home until later...if possible please send me a friend request so that when I get home I can just accept and link up. I don't mind sending the requests out but it won't be until later on any given night.
Yep. I play *alot*. I am a day 1 player that has sunk massive amounts of time into this game and I am not running off to Halo5 or Call of Booty. I love this game but damn the last two weeks have made me want to claw my eyes out from LFG.
311 Titan
310 Hunter
310 Lock
Its not that I give a crap about going back and running normal mode to get people up to speed in a consistent team its the fact that a consistent fire team would be considerate of when the entire group can get on from week to week and understand that everyone has lives / jobs / SO's / kids and all of that that they make the effort to just knock it out as quick as humanly possible.
I dont need to hear your episodes of Dragonball Z going on in the background at full blast or Rammstein blaring over the call outs at Oryx. I wish I was kidding but damn man that was the extent of my raid groups last night. Ha!
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