It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]!
What about the stormtrance that lasts 45 seconds?
It's all about the super The super don't cry It's all about the super The super don't cry
Ran into a team of 3 sunbreakers on our 8-0 game. Proceeded to kick the living shit out of them and go to the lighthouse.
Oh no, hammers for a round. What ever shall we do? Take the L like a champ and kick their asses the next round(s).
Edited by GHOST 9o5: 11/4/2015 12:33:06 PMDude, all these Titan mains rush to these posts and say the same thing, over, and over, and over again.. The word "crying" and "bitching" or "bitch" always annoyed me on the forums when there was a post that was actually a good post that suggested reasonable ideas for a nerf. But it seemed reasonable to use it here, as you do seem to do some bitching. But I hate seeing them on reasonable posts.. Titans and Warlocks nearly destroyed Arc Blade with "NERF ARCBOLT AND KEEP NERFING BLINK. BLINK IS STILL TI GOOD." The BladeDancer classes passive a aren't even that good anymore. QuickDraw got a swift nerf from the blink nerf which I'll admit was okay, because shotguns were still OP, now they aren't much anymore, but hey, QuickDraw has terrible synergy with Blink now. You can't even count invisibility if you want to have your Arc Blade super be at least a little good, you must use Hungering Blade. "Supers should be hard to stop! So SB isn't OP!" I guess BladeDancer needs a buff if it can just be shut down from an "Easy shotgun melee" like you all say. Doesn't bother me though, Razors Edge is good for those situations. But Razors edge has ass aiming, needs to be perfect. All in all, I hated every class on the other team equally after 2.0. It was the most balanced Crucible I've seen, but now I will tend to hate Titans more than any other class because they just seem so annoying on the forums. As with any class defending something OP. So I will now enjoy killing Titans more in the Crucible. Too bad I don't even play much anymore. I hated Ramlocks, HUNTARDS, and my sympathy was with Titans in year 1. But after nearly destroying my BD class, including the super and the secret tweaks, I will now hate Titans the most. My ideas for a SB nerf? Reduce the duration to the same as GG. If not a little more. Keep the same amount of hammers, and reduce the DR for about 5% percent. K, I'm done here.
My main used to be a Titan is now a warlock and I'm levelling my Titan. They aren't overpowered. I get more kills in the crucible with my warlock super than Titan.
I don't see what all the fuss is about..I pop my sol get scorch meleed by a warlock...I die he runs away
I think it shouldn't be nerfed. It adds a little bit of fun in destiny as it get bored doing same stuff n visiting same place everytime.everytime I hear a hammer strike noise I run around not knowing where that Titan is
Monster Hunter - old
As s Titan I believe they should nerf it. -
Wishful thinking scrub huntard!!!
Where's master butthurt when you need him XD
Get rekt scrub
I just nova bomb the sh!t out of two in trials... Done!
Haha, all the salt
Stop bitching bout us. Remember all the shit with blink? And then all the shit with shotguns. Im sick of people that just winge bout titan and shotguns and now 1000-yard stare. GET GOOD. Maybe you should find a way to deal with then apart from winging for a nerf. Soon everything in Destiny is gonna be as powerful as an actual nerf gun.
How badly do you have to get your ass beat to scurry over to forums and bitch about titans?. Went 9-0 twice this week and beat plenty of triple titan teams and teams with titans soooo compulsory "git gud" is on order? Hell with team work get a guy to run and make titan chase into an ambush works like a charm
" :,( "
OP probably has 3 Huntards.
the chaperone does a pretty good job of blasting em back to the stone age
Shut up Meg
Shut up Meg.
Git gud.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that OP keeps using the word "debuff" wrong?
Bring a defender with weapons straight smash. Its funny ppl stay complaining damn go to COD
It was the same with the blade dance so suck it up princess.