I love how that flaming hammer can just blow you up from being thrown near you, have same pls?
I mean for use in killing airborne targets.
Secondary buff to remove Nova bomb damage to caster who fires it? Yes!
For shadowshot too? Yes!
Should we also talk about that weird fusion grenade turn-in-midair-and-stick-you mechanic?
The grenades and horseshoes and tracking on hammers is largely situational and doesn't proc as much as you'd think or like. So... sure!
No, when I use a nova bomb, I don't want a random player to get close and stop my triple kill, or a thrall to get too close and stop me from destroying a huge group of ads. I want my nova bomb to land where I aim it.
That with Lance + that nova bomb tracking perk = truth
Nah, if I can slide under a Nova Bomb, I feel so MLG. I can't have lose that!
Yes, but only with lance
I already kill myself enough with the purple ball of death. Let's just keep it the way it is.
It's gonna be a close match 45/55!
You can kill yourself with nova bomb right? So adding G&H in PvE will lead to a lot of salty Warlocks. I vote yes just for comedy.
I think most of the old subclasses need to be reworked a bit.
Well since stormtrance has landfall. Shouldnt they make the striker titan super stronger?
Yeah its pretty cheap how the hammers track and have proximity detonation. Flaming truth hammers???¿¿
Monster Hunter - old
Reduce Explosion Radius by 30% I mean seriously it's bigger than Fist of Havoc. -
Edited by Pyrotech707: 11/1/2015 4:35:11 PMIt should come with angry magic, cause who uses that?
I've thought about this perk for an exotic armor piece. Pair it with lance and it'd be great!
No, its explosion size is already big enough.
Only has a warlock = muted
Already has it because it's blast radius is so damn big.
Hammer does not blow up when it passes near you. If it lands next to you and you use the perk that gives it bigger AoE then it can kill you. NB has AoE too.
I would agree with Vortex and Lance. You only get one shot with Nova Bomb, and having G and H would really make it harder to counter by simply jumping. I can't say I would agree to shatter having it. That would be a bit much.
It should have proximity. Or atleast the option to detonate it by hitting super buttons again.
We should just give it all the subclasses
The amount of people confusing AoE with proximity explosions in this topic is laughable. Hammers do not have proximity explosions. They do have a small AoE that can be increased with a perk. NB also has an AoE. I also find It funny that people are talking about the tracking on NB. The tracking is shit just like the hammers.
Have same, please?
Not true about hammers.