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originally posted in: Hate Against Kids (Rant)
10/28/2015 1:49:08 PM
I have nothing against younger players. However as an adult I have certain principals that involve not corrupting a minor. I game with adults. We speak of topics that are not suitable for a minor. We have many friends that pop in and out of chat just to tell us what they got upto last night. Definitely not suitable for a minor. I hate to be blunt about it. Truly I do, but can you understand why most adults don't want to game with a minor? Its because on some unconscious level we all know its not a good idea. Best advice I can give you is use LFG and make a post that you are looking for people with a similar age range. This post isn't about dumping on you. I sincerely apologise if it comes across that way. This post is about protecting yourself from adults and maybe save yourself some heartache by gaming with people your own age. #Truth

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