[quote]People bashing on OP, a couple of things:
1. Regarding the "slippery slope": Now a lot the folks calling OP stupid and retarded and dozens of other immature crap, are almost certainly the same people arguing just a few weeks ago "Silver is just for cosmetics, quit being a tinfoil hat paranoid loser!" Well it's been maybe 2 weeks (has it even been 2 weeks yet??), and we've gone from cosmetics to consumables... THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF A SLIPPERY SLOPE. It's already happened. The slopes done slipped. In under a month we've gone from being able to buy *only* cosmetics with real world money to buying cosmetics AND consumables that provide a tangible in-game advantage (REGARDLESS of how minimal that advantage is). So continuing to bash on the OP for making the slippery slope argument in INVALID, as the slippery slope has already occurred.
2. For the multitudes arguing "But those items are already available in game for free!" You need to recognize, that you are literally making the OP's point. The word is dumb, but this IS the pay-to-win model. The idea is, there are things that can be acquired in the game by playing the game, and there is also a way to skip the in-game process and immediately purchase those things with real world cash. Whether these consumables actually let you "win" or not irrelevant, because that's a nonsense term and there's no prescription for what pay-to-win is, simply a philosophy... the point is that you can now subvert in-game processes by simply spending cash..
..So to make the fallacy of your arguments here really clear, to say that "Those items are already available in-game from drops or the gunsmith," is equivalent to saying in this hypothetical: "Well sure you can buy a Sleeper Simulant for silver, but it's literally the exact same gun I could get by completing the quest."
Again, I'm not ignorant, I realize these Halloween items are meaningless... the point is that slippery slope, that has now been proven within literally a matter of days, and the principal behind micro-transactions. Of course we don't know where they will go next with this... maybe this is the very last item you'll ever see for sale with silver other than emotes... but after already ramping up from cosmetics to consumables in days, it seems unlikely this is the last we'll see of Eververse.
So while you all blindly accept this practice, or worse, chastise the OP for being critical of it... you are in fact being the *retards, idiots, fgts* or whatever other immature, inflammatory bullshit you all spew at people for sharing their opinions.[/quote]
Is this for me or someone else.
You as you said she's not selling armour or weapons but I commented this to explain the problem with just consumables having the chance to turn into armour and weapons
True. But I don't see it as an edge. I still belive no matter your level, player capability is what's gonna matter. Pay to win and you won't know how to use it. Good players won't pay to play like that....I hope...
Yes but that's the point. It's that skilled players will be able to earn the gear and rewards. While rich unskilled players will buy gear without using any skill.