originally posted in:The Friends List
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What game did you want to be made that just didn't get the green light?
My number one would be Kotor 3.
After that (I'm sure there are more I just can't think of):
Age of Empires 2: Expansion 2
Freedom Fighters 2
Pokemon Snap 2
EDIT (games I forgot about that you reminded me of):
Republic Commando 2
Star Wars: 1313
Rage 2
Half-Life 3 Portal 3 Team Fortress 3 Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 4 Fable 4 Halo ODST 2 Halo Wars 2 Lord of the Rings: Conquest 2 Battleblock Theatre 2 Call of Duty: World at War 2