Okay Bungie, I love what you have done with the year two exotic engram drops. But at least for me and my friends they're broken. I bought three chest piece engrams from xur and I got three Crest of Alpha Lupi's, that was a waste of coins, my friend got Nine exotic chest engrams and he said he got 9 Crest of Alpha Lupi's. Then I have received three special exotic engrams and I decoded them and from all three I got the hereafter, now I know that the chances of all that happening is very slim. So can you please try to fix your mistakes, and somehow make it up to all of the players that have gotten the raw end of the deal for all of our grinding, also watch DPJ's engram decoding.... Crest of Alpha Lupi's
No glitch. Most new exotics are quest related. The avaliable pool of engram exotics is quite small. Be thankful, they still infuse other gear just fine. Logic over