With taikonaught.
The challenge is as follows: find a rocket you think would be an absolute monster with the taikonaughts über tracking and tell if of it (video would be nice but not required)
Their is no prize unfortunately
I have a Choleric with tripod and horseshoes for when the Taikonaut out of the vault. Prefer MG most of the time, but every once and again it's fun to simply blast things.
Truth with taikonaut GG
Bump :P
Got one with clown cartridge And grenadier. It's not bad.
Dragons breathe
If only dragon's breath was year 2...
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[i]That feel when New Monarchy doesn't believe in Rocket Launchers.[/i] Y u hev fabulus fur, but no gud hevee wepun?