Well personally I really don't know wether or not he deserves it, how bout you guys?
Edit: For those of you who are unaware who i am talking about. ValleyRam was part of the fire team that beat Kings Fall hard raid first. Now, I wasn't in the second the kill happened, but what happened afterwards was that he apparently kept trash talking all other twitch streamers. Don't take my word for it, but thats what I can infer from the chat and replays on what happen. He "called" out Gothalion specifically, with the exact details unknown to me. Just editing to clarify some confusion amongst some of you.
Edited by King Eternal: 10/23/2015 9:46:53 PMI went to see what was going on in his stream. It loaded up and all I hear his "-blam!- you guys, goth can suck my dick."
The guy is a complete moron. This was his golden opportunity to make a name for himself here/Twitch and he squandered it. Just another idiot with no foresight thrust into the spotlight.
Who? Who cares?
In the big scheme of things, all these streamers are nerds, so watching them fight is absolutely hilarious. I love how big their egos are for simply playing a video game.
What happened?
Um who?
No clue who he is. Heard what he did. Don't really care. If he burned himself, he burned himself. Oh well. Move on.
Who's he?
nobody even cares about WF hard mode lol you already know all the mechanics except for like, 2 WF normal is way more impressive
Edited by TheFrozenInferno: 10/23/2015 8:48:14 PMHere's the thing... Yeah he got world first, that's awesome. DeeJ is right, first is first. But maybe he forgot he has a community to build after this. People will forget world first in a month, if not sooner, but they won't forget the attitude shown to other streamers. The Destiny Twitch community is pretty tight-knit and he won't make any allies pulling that crap. Goth had more than 40k viewers today, and he'll continue drawing 6k+ on a bad day. He's built his community over two or three years and has paid his dues. This other guy is burning bridges he can't afford to burn.
Valley is one of the best and now is the best.
World first normal >>>>>>>>world first hard Dude was just being a dick. To chat? Fine. To other streamers? No you are a dick.
No need to be a dick about it. Congrats and all but still
Who is that
Why the hate on him? Did say ugly things too his streamers?
No idea who he is
Never heard of that streamer, what happened?
You can be a good player and get an unique title, but is not OK being a jerk on public. If people just hate this kid because he beats famous streamers that's wrong. You cannot hate because your idol was left behind. Maybe no one "deserves" hate, but it is natural to expect hate if someone promotes the wrong spirit, winner or not: this community is toxic enough.
What happened? Who is this?
well he did claim after he beat it that his team is better than everybodys
No valleyram is the hero we need all these "streamers" brought this on themselves, I'm glad broman did not get that title. All hail valleyram!!
Why are some people saying "he" and others saying "she"? Asking legitimately is this person a transgender who identifies as the opposite gender?
He reacted badly and is getting criticized for it? He should. I've done stupid things and have been held accountable when I should have known better, why shouldn't he?
Monster Hunter - old
What did he do -