So ran the daily heroic story yesterday. Before actually getting into the mission, I did some farming right there around the Dread for some bounties. Had a bunch of engrams drop between that and the mission itself, including two legendary engrams. But there is a serious problem, as you will see in the breakdown of what I got.
4 Blue Boot Engrams
1 Blue Glove Engram
1 Blue Helmet Engram
1 Blue Class Item Engram
1 Purple Class Item Engram
1 Purple Special Weapon Engram
Hey, I have no complaints about the drop rate. I mean, for an hour long of doing some bounties and the daily heroic story, it's a pretty dang good drop rate. The problem is the imbalance of armor to weapon engram drops. THIS is what I get ALL THE TIME! Grinding strikes is the same thing for me. I have upgraded and infused armor as much as I have new weapons, yet I am sitting on 300+ armor materials compared to 5 weapons parts. Fix this BUNGIE!
Bungie ~ We have noticed a bug in relation to the drop ratio of engrams, fear not guardians a fix is on the way. Armour drop rate will now be lowered to be more inline with weapon engram drop rates. We will continue to monitor the drop ratio to determine if additional nerfs.....err.... fixes are required.
You are clairvoyant, sir.
Your post is right on the money..out of the 70+ legendary engram drops I've gotten maybe 7 have been's completely one sided. And I hate seeing a purple laying on the ground, walking over and BAM !!! -blam!-ing class item. Ugh.
I still don't see why they haven't implemented an item exchange yet, like they did with shards. Why is there not a transfer from armor to weapon materials (and vice versa) for a nominal fee of glimmer? That way no matter which way the engram ratio is skewed on a person they can get the materials they need. This also ensures they still grind for those materials and earn them, but aren't screwed by rngesus despite that fact.
Ding..... Winner. The Drop rates are ridiculously skewed towards armor drops. Did the one weapon engram turn into a strange coin.....or a mote of light?
Purple, so mote naturally.
totally agree on this... i get a shit load of engram for armor but not as many for weapons... weapons parts should be sold anyways.... lets use glimmer since
That looks like the same drops that I get...
Everyone i think... and if you dismantle maybe you can get 2-3 weapon part, maybe....
Agreed - and when I do end up getting a few weapons, they turn into motes & maybe 1 coin. Very little weapon parts, very few coins
But NO!, some guys said is our problem because we didn´t save enough parts like we knew bungie will do that nerf.
This is my issue as well. It's my fault I'm low but why is the nerf necessary?
Armor engrams: all I get. Know what Bungie will probably do? They won't increase weapon parts drop rate. They won't increase weapon engram drop rate. They'll go ahead and [b]decrease[/b] armor engram drop rate to even the odds...
OMG, that totally sounds plausible. I can see this coming in the next update. Meanwhile, the hunter's 3 shot won't be fixed till update 3.0.
Yeah, I'm pretty upset about the 3 shot. Makes the Hunter super basically just for tethering.
Edited by Muffin Time: 10/23/2015 12:34:24 PM70-80% of my engrams are armor and about 50% of the weapon engrams turn into motes of light or a coin.......
Yeah that always happens as well. My armor engrams never turn into motes or coins.