You dont need you just want so you can infuse infuse infuse infuse.. which is not what you were meant to do.
what do you mean infusion is not what we were MEANT to do? I paid for this game I can play however the hell I want not how Bungie wants me to. screw them
Edited by LordofChaos: 10/23/2015 10:33:54 AMNo, you play how bungie says you play, not how YOU think you get to play. It is their game they make the rules not you ever. and they do not ever have to cater to how YOU want to play ever. You were not ever meant to just infuse everything you come across just for that 1-2 point gain in light level all the time you were not meant to be to 310 as fast as YOU want to be. for it does not matter unless you raid, for even in IB you do not need to be a 310 to do well. and even if you raid you do not need 310 unless doing the hard raid.
I do raid and once again I PAID FOR IT and I will play how I please. go suck bungie's dick somewhere else because I don't give a Damn.
Does not matter if YOU paid for it, they still do not ever have to let YOU play how YOU want ever. Bungie does not give a damn if you dont like it either.
I don't need to play this game, and I wouldn't were the community so semantically from Uranus as you. G'day.