In my opinion, weed. I can't stand any type of smoking and I hate the smell of weed, but that's just me. But there's very little reason for it to be illegal if tobacco and alcohol are not, the unfair legislation is gross as well.
Im not talking about just smoking it: Using marijuana as fuel or for anything is illegal atm And the only reason its that way; So companies in the 1930s could eliminate competition and make money selling harder to obtain and non renewable more expensive resource based products. Paper, clothing, fuel, machine lubrication, medicine Weed makes cheaper and [b][i][u]better[/u][/i][/b] versions of all of those; as well as cleaner(less polluting) and less negative side effects/waste than current industry. Also keeping it illegal funds a WAR a prison system an excuse to lock any one up and drug cartels and organized crime. So yea the legality is far more disgusting then the fact you can smoke an get high off if it and that it smells bad.