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Edited by No Land Beyond: 10/22/2015 2:41:11 AM


I went top of the lobby, got a sum of all tears and I watched this random guy get a fusion rifle for going 0.13!!! WTF!!! Edit: According to Salamanderis he deserves it or something. Something about changing his life. Edit 2: To all the people asking me if I'm new: REALLY?? Does this remind you of anything how about you look at the tags. You seem new by asking this question

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  • This hasn't been bumped in forever

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    • Hey

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      Monster Hunter - old

      Man it's been a long time. [spoiler]Necro[/spoiler]

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    • We were doing Kings Fall Hard Mode. We, being level 310's, blew through the raid. We were in a time crunch. Only 2 hours to complete it and XxboyXxkillaXxx had wasted 45 minutes on the jumping puzzle. We blew through Warpriest and Gogoroth. 30 minutes. Once again XxboyXxkillaXxx refused to switch from blink and wasted 20 minutes on the second jumping puzzle. We destroy the sisters in 5 minutes, the 6 of us pumping into Oyrx's Daughters. We have 20 minutes to kill Oyrx. We wipe twice, both times because of XxboyXxkillaXxx refusing to kill the ogres, claiming he is a pacifist. 10 minutes left. We do considerable damage to Oyrx in the first 3 rounds considering XxboyXxkillaXxx jumped off the side in the beginning shouting random Bill Nye quotes. Fourth round. I grab the relic easily. One guy dies by jumping into the ship. Another from the Vessel. 3 people left. We stagger Oyrx, but they don't make it to the blights. It is just me. I do barely just enough damage to Oyrx to bring him to the front. I accidentally reload my ToM, and run out of bullets killing an Aycolyte. I don't have time to use a primary synth. I put my last 3 sniper shots into Oyrx but it isn't enough. I can't use my sword. I am doomed. Oyrx chuckles. Ready to end my life. BUT WHAT IS THIS?! IN THE BOTTOM CORNER OF THE SCREEN! *Shesmynerd has joined the fireteam*. I see him rise above Oyrx. Cast in a veil of light. "Feel my wrath! For my name is Shesmyne... HE SHOT ME THROUGH A WALL!" *Guardian Down" Crap. Oyrx chuckles again. Tbaggs Shesmynerd and messages him, "Git gud skrub". BUT WHAT IS THIS! HOPE! *Smoggypluto has joined the fireteam* I hear the thud of a Sunbreaker super being used. He appears in a silhouette of light. The light slowly dies away and I see him. Smoggypluto. "I am not worthy", I cry. He looks at Oyrx. He opens his mouth but Morgan Freeman's voice comes out. "This is my swamp". He lifts up his Y10 Gjallihorn and kills Oyrx in one shot, while simultaneously Tbagging Shesmynerd's ghost. We all get our rewards. All 330 Light, except for XxboyXxkillaXxx, he gets shards. I didn't see mine. I sniffle and ask Smoggy what I got. "Check you're inventory." I completely missed Smoggy's misspelling of "your". I inspect myself and ghasp. Primary equiped: Y2 Thorn. Pre nerf. Chestpiece: Twilight Garrison. Secondary: Better Than Yours, exotic sniper. Heavy. I choke back tears. I must be strong for Smoggy. His Y10 Gjallahorn. Signed by Bill Nye, the Science guy. "Smoggy is love. Smoggy is life." I stammer. He hops on Xylar, The Timeless. "Black Ops 3 is going to kill Destiny", XxboyXxkillaXxx remarks. "Shut up Meg", Smoggy says. He winks at me and flies away to help others in need. "Smoggy is love. Smoggy is life." I repeat. The sound of Shesmynerd crying faintly in the background.

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    • It was cold and dark outside one night, and I was driving around town looking for a McDonald's. I really wanted a burger. After many hours of searching, I finally came upon one. I walked in, and slammed my two dollars on the table, when all of a sudden, the guy tells me I'm one cent short. I slump to the ground in defeat, but in the midst of my pain, one man rose above the rest to answer my prayer. ASMITH gave me the one penny that changed my life forever. Couldn't find the TV remote one time, but ol' ASMITH had my back. When we couldn't kill Oryx, ASMITH brought weapons of light. ASMITH was given an xbox controller one time. He touched it, turned it into solid gold, and gave it to a poor mentally challenged kid from Somalia. I was under attack by a pack of wolves. They tried to kill me. ASMITH beat them to death and ate their bodies. When I lost my virginity, I forgot the condom. [b]ASMITH brought me my Trojans in my time of need[/b]. Motherf***er is a hero. A saint. He's a weapon of mass destruction. If anyone deserves that gun, it's ASMITH.

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      42 Replies
      • Ayyy [spoiler]this was above Keysers OP [/spoiler]

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        • He got a fusion rifle. Isn't that punishment enough... ;)

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        • Edited by Cromica: 10/23/2015 3:44:36 AM
          Muted for making a stupid -blam!-ing post. [spoiler]your not funny[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Beeburrito: 11/11/2015 4:29:31 PM
            Classic #SmoogyPlutoslegacy

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          • I remember :)

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          • I see this constantly. I take screen shots every time because it's so ridiculous. I gave up getting upset though.

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          • Kek! Its rng..... Just like the gjallarhorn smoggy got

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          • Smoggy should bump

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            • Bump?

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            • Edited by chrisandsheva: 10/23/2015 1:45:14 PM
              Was that me?, seriously?.. I got a legendary (something or other) after coming in last in a game, with a .13 K/D (reason I'm replying, sounds similar) though I did report about 4 guys who went in with green bars and survived headshot's, shotguns up close and even 'got away' from a GG shot, checking lobby noticed how ppl went from green to red then orange but strangely back to green just before end, so I was totally buzzing when guy 'who came top' (think with a 23 to 2) got crap but my 4 to 25 (or thereabouts) netted me a cool reward, perhaps I just got lucky (rng) or fingers crossed the reporting 'bad connection' (yeah ok) was actually looked at live and acted on, obviously if so it can't happen every time, gave me a little hope though. If it's a different guy who your on about then no offense intended, just relaying similar story. . Nvm, just spotted link to pic, seen it was different guy, though looks like same fusion I got, Hai tau, or something sounds like that.

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            • [quote]To all the people asking me if I'm new: REALLY?? Does this remind you of anything how about you look at the tags. You seem new by asking this question[/quote] They ask if you are new because you sound like a whiny bitch noob that doesnt know shit about destiny. Throwback tag doesnt make you any less of a pussy

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            • Reasons why not to play crucible and put in battlefield instead

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            • You're obviously new here. Come, take a walk with me, I will explain to you the ways of RNGesus.

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              2 Replies
              • Went 21-0 and 3 people got purples and I got nothing :)

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              • 1
                It's only a legendary fusion rifle lol

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              • Ya and old op quit destiny after that, do us a favor and follow his footsteps.

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              • I've spawned into late games before and never got to fire a round and got stuff before. It makes up for the times when I didn't get anything. When I'm in the mood to play crucible I don't sweat the drops or lack of them. I'm just happily surprised or just neutral about it.

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              • Ayy lmao

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                • I tought someone necro bumped the old legend, nvm

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                • seems like youre trying to recreate smoggypluto

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