WHAT THE HELL BUNGIE! I just went into a pvp match and just realized that stupid [i]B[/i]ungie nerfed my thorn! It used to 2 shot and now it can't do shit! It's a piece of crap? Why did you do this? Now all these stupid hunters are shotgun rushing me and sniping me beiges I could get my third shot off wtf this is BS! I demand my 2HK back so these -blam!-ing scrubs can't shotgun rush me! I can't even pull out my felwinters lie before these -blam!-ing hunters blink and fill me with lead!
Oh, that reminds me of something else, MY FELWINTERS LIE DOESNT HAVE -blam!-ING SHOTPACKAGE. I SWEAR TO GOD WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU GET RID OF THE ONE PERK ON MY GUN THAT ACTUALLY REQUIRES SKILL TO PROPERLY USE?! most of these scrubs would not get within 20 feet of me with my shottie because they'd be filled with le[i]a[/i]d before they get to me! Now they run straight up to me, and shotgun my face before I can get a second shot off because the first didn't kill them! THATS BS! My felwinters required skill and now all these scrubs who are -blam!-ing sniping and shotgun rushing get easy kill while skilled players like me don't get as many kills on all the scrubs!
Not to mention when [i]I[/i] try to blink shotgun my shottie doesn't ready for like -blam!-ing 3 days! What the hell is up with this?! I demand a god damn refund for false advertising you stupid idiots!
You're letting all these noobs get free kills on us skilled players because you removed all the good perks that requires skill to use! Do you know how long it took me and how much grinding of weapon parts it took me to get my LiTC, shotpackage, reinforced barrel, 4 shot ma[i]t[/i]ador?! Seriously? Now I can't even use it because you got rid of shotpackage and now it won't even ready after blink! Screw you, Bungie. Screw you.
TL;DR [spoiler]WHAT THE HELL BUNGIE! I just went into a pvp match and just realized that stupid Bungie nerfed my thorn! It used to 2 shot and now it can't do shit! It's a piece of crap? Why did you do this? Now all these stupid hunters are shotgun rushing me and sniping me beiges I could get my third shot off wtf this is BS! I demand my 2HK back so these -blam!-ing scrubs can't shotgun rush me! I can't even pull out my felwinters lie before these -blam!-ing hunters blink and fill me with lead!
Oh, that reminds me of something else, MY FELWINTERS LIE DOESNT HAVE -blam!-ING SHOTPACKAGE. I SWEAR TO GOD WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU GET RID OF THE ONE PERK ON MY GUN THAT ACTUALLY REQUIRES SKILL TO PROPERLY USE?! most of these scrubs would not get within 20 feet of me with my shottie because they'd be filled with lead before they get to me! Now they run straight up to me, and shotgun my face before I can get a second shot off because the first didn't kill them! THATS BS! My felwinters required skill and now all these scrubs who are -blam!-ing sniping and shotgun rushing get easy kill while skilled players like me don't get as many kills on all the scrubs!
Not to mention when I try to blink shotgun my shottie doesn't ready for like -blam!-ing 3 days! What the hell is up with this?! I demand a god damn refund for false advertising you stupid idiots!
You're letting all these noobs get free kills on us skilled players because you removed all the good perks that requires skill to use! Do you know how long it took me and how much grinding of weapon parts it took me to get my LiTC, shotpackage, reinforced barrel, 4 shot matador?! Seriously? Now I can't even use it because you got rid of shotpackage and now it won't even ready after blink! Screw you, Bungie. Screw you.[/spoiler]
Edit: Lol at all your salt, you sniper camping scrubs. You have guns that aim for you and get easy shots on us skilled players with shotguns and handcannons! Get a life! Nobody likes you in crucible and you aren't skill so stop trying scrubs!
Edit: alright we're trending! Nice job lets get the word out about these stupid nerfs and sniper camping scrubs!
Edit: stupid scrubs think that thorn didn't take skill! You're probably the losers that camp with scout rifles and aim assisted snipers! If you snipe or scout you aren't skilled enough to have a comment that matters!
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
That's no moon... [i][b]It's a Bait-Station!!![/b][/i]