Any of you know real good animes?(I've watched quite a few) I'm at a point in my life where I'm running low so.... If you know any good animes (action/harem/ecchi/fantasy or etc.) comment it below and say the genre. Please and thank you (;
PS. I've seen the mainstream ones you guys are posting try thinking out of the box
Wow thanks guys!!! I appreciate all the good shows you guys are posting keep it up! Also I'm currently watching absolute duo it's pretty good... But next I was gonna watch Fate/stay night or what ever xD
[b][i]Moderator Note:[/b] I am moving this to #offtopic where it is more relevant. [/i]
Deadman wonderland
So far Parasyte is better than I expected
I caught "K"on netflix a while ago, pretty good imo
Parasyte (action) for some reason forgot to add this one
Attack on titan watch it NOW.
Death note, Tokyo ghoul, attack on Titan, claymore.. I like death and killing lol.
There's this brain -blam!- of an anime called Paranoid Agent that's very good. It's short, but it definitely requires some thinking.
Clannad (drama), angel beats (action/drama), kenichi the mightiest disciple (action), Akame ga kill (action), baka test (comedy/harem)
Dragon Ball Z reigns supreme. Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist are close contenders.
Parasyte us good
Edited by OxyAngel420: 10/19/2015 4:56:36 AMSword art online , ikki tousen , high school dxd, aesthetics of a rouge hero , is this a zombie?, death note, freezing, dead man wonderland, sky wizard academy, Chrome stelled regios, code breakers, prison school, claymore, assassination classroom, sekirei, um that's all I got off the top of the dome if u like these reply and I'll give u a fat list :p
Edited by unclebenrip: 10/19/2015 5:34:05 AMIf you haven't watched yu yu hakusho then that should be your next anime to get into Edit: you can tell the forums are full of youngins no one listed yu yu and tons of SOA
If you're into that kind of stuff.... - Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? (Comedy/action/harem/ecchi/fantasy) - High school of the dead (Horror, comedy, action, ecchi) - Log horizon (Comedy/action/fantasy/ touch of harem)
Pretty much anything by Shinichiro Watanabe, Satoshi Kon, Hayao Miyazaki or Mamoru Hosoda is guaranteed gold (especially if you like anime movies in regards to the last two). Try Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy, Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Princess Mononoke, Summer Wars (some of those are movies but some are series). If none of those strike your fancy, try Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Punch Man (my main show right now since it's currently airing), AKIRA, Redline, Afro Samurai, Ergo Proxy, I could go on and on lol. If you like manga, please please PLEASE read vagabond if you haven't already, that is literally my favorite manga of all time and I honestly don't know if anything will ever take its place. Hope I could help!
Assasination classroom
To love ru (because why not xD)
[spoiler]Trigun, log horizon, fma bh, shaman king, devil may cry, Deadman Wonderland, deathnote, megaman bns, [/spoiler]
Edited by UFOALERT: 10/19/2015 4:47:18 AMCory in the House is pretty good.
I'm sure you've already seen Geass, death note, and FMA Brotherhood but I'd recommend those
Seinfeld, full house, Cory in the house, and spongebob are some of my favorites... I'm quite the weeaboo
One punch man
Your genre choices make me cringe. Watch ergo proxy or blue gender and expand you horizons
Gakkou gurashi
Steins;gate, its a time travel/science anime. Need i say more?!
Space Dandy anyone?